WASEDA! you’ve got some ‘splainin to do!

(i know i promised no more posts but i am just to angry not to write something).

I slept 4 hours last night, was violently ill with my stomach raging the whole time.  My host mom feeds me a agar (like corn syrup but made from kelp) tea connoction (for diarrhea, which i don’t have), and it looks like gak that is poop green. It ranks as the worst food i have tried this entire time. I try one bite say, “hmm that is interesting excuse me” and promptly throw it up. I call my program director to ask if she will try to smooth things over with a teacher who i have a midterm paper due today.She says that even if i emailed the paper to the teacher she couldn’t guarantee that I won’t automatically fail. I go on the my 1.25 hour one-way commute carrying my little vomit bag, luckily manage to grab a seat and never throw up. I spent a lot of my time trying to decide that if i do throw up should i aim for the burnable or non-burnable trash cans. I come early to go to the free clinic, it is closed for lunch, and has no english so i accidentely went to the women’s only first. When I go back after lunch I realize that the clinic is run by VENDING machines, and totally incomprehensible. I would point out while my teacher for this class is most likely a brilliant man, he cannot understand any english and will probably not be able to understand my paper. As he is not able to understand anyones questions. I am so ready to get out of here.

Fuck you, Waseda.

P.S. Your mascot is a inbred cross-eyed bear. http://www.waseda-shop.com/images/doll_w_bear_1.jpg

Comments (6) left to “WASEDA! you’ve got some ‘splainin to do!”

  1. Emma wrote:


  2. Sam wrote:


    You should go find the first bridge you can, and through gasoline and a lit match on it!

    Take that Japan, you nation of fetishist, hentai-watching emotionally stunted worker drones!!

    Seriously though, that is unbelievable. I can’t imagine any professor I have ever had being that unreasonable. FUCK THAT.

  3. Emma Barnum wrote:

    Aww Pat…. I hope you feel better :(

  4. Maggie wrote:

    feel better patty! and that fucking sucks

  5. Lindsey wrote:

    Geeze, feel better man and good luck to you!

    (Also, I grew up in Waucedah, Michigan, the perfect town deserving of an inbred, cross-eyed bear mascot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loretto,_Michigan

    If only your Waseda and my Waucedah could get together and have a beer; oh the stories…

  6. Ben wrote:

    Jeez, sickie. That actually happened to me when we were in Japan. A week and a half or so after we got there I got really sick one night and almost threw up. Not nearly as bad as you did, though, I guess. EFF THAT, THROWING UP.