Huh? Well now isn’t that interesting….

Sorry if that comes off as pompous, but I catch a surprising amount of shit for being a vegetarian, so it’s nice to be validated from time to time.

Comments (2) left to “Huh? Well now isn’t that interesting….”

  1. Katie (Jones) wrote:

    I’ve noticed that guys that are vegetarian definitely get more shit than the lady vegetarians do. Which makes me sad. I mean, Hannah and I get a lot of jokes, but it still seems more socially acceptable for a girl to be a vegetarian than a guy. Weird. Anyway, interesting study. Go us! Ahoho

  2. Timmy wrote:

    Dude’s gots to eats teh meats. We needs it for our brute man muskles. Y’know, so we can punch chumps who macks on ladies we done called dibs ons.

    I think that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever written.