50 posts!

Fifty Posts!
Yeah! It’s been a while since my first post back in August, but I finally made it to the big 5-0. I’ve decided to celebrate by posting a bunch of projects I’ve finished over the past few weeks. Let’s start with my Product Design final.

The Criminal Catalogue
Minus the shoes I posted earlier, this is the collection of products for my Criminal skateboarding company. I want the t-shirts really bad. A few weeks ago I got an email from a guy who saw my t-shirt designs on Threadless and hired me to design a shirt for a conference he was organizing. The Minnebar conference! I couldn’t go, but he gave me some t-shirts.
There is a self portrait competition going on right now at school, this is my entry. It’s nothing special, but I wanted to submit one for fun.
A Self Portrait.
Last but not least, here are a few sketchbook pages. I’ve been doodling these abstract landscapes in class and I really like them. I think I might persue them and do some large scale drawings/paintings. Notice Emma’s contribution on the first one.
Green.Faces in Places.
One FINAL bit of information is that my proposal for the student curated exhibition got accepted! The following Shambot-ters are contributing work to the show titled Personal, Outer Space: ME!, Joel Gillman, Evan Palmer, Lindsey Testolin, Ben Thompson, and Allison Vallant. The exhibition is going up sometime in the ’07-’08 school year. If you want to read the proposal, you can… ask me for a copy because for some reason I can’t upload the pdf to the server. LAME! Well there you go, a ton of stuff to look at! As soon as I finish my Drawing 2 final I’ll post that because it features a portrait of Ben, Gregg (our Library friend), and hopefully a portrait of one of Ben’s cousins (if I get a picture before Wednesday). Sorry for the crazy crazyiness post. FIFTY! Wooooooo!

Comments (10) left to “50 posts!”

  1. Tim wrote:

    Look at me, I’m Bill, I draw super good, and have lots of great ideas, and am a swell guy and can post 50 times post august.

    Thanks for makin’ me look like doopies you jerk.

    HUGS! :D

  2. Sam wrote:

    I will pay cash over hand for that amazing hoodie.

    Also, the criminal logo where it is spelled out with hands is one of the coolest designs I have ever seen.

    Your drawings kind of remind me of Hiyao Miyazaki, sometimes. Especially the self portrait you did. It seems like you manipulate facial proportions in a similar way. You make them look wrong, but right at the same time. That is very vague, but meant as a most sincere compliment.

    I, like Tim, must also hate you for making everyone else look bad. We’re relocating you to Sanford.

  3. Maggie wrote:

    I want the t-shirts… both the criminal ones and the one that Joel is wearing… that looks awesome! I also want the sweatshirt and the shoes… and whatever painting you make with the awesome landscapes…

  4. Allison wrote:


  5. Evan wrote:


  6. Steven wrote:

    Wow. That’s really neat to see the Minnebar shirt realized. Looks really great. I mentioned you to my friend Martin, who’s kind of making t-shirts. Maybe you two can do transactionz. Nice work!

  7. Katie (Jones) wrote:

    whoa, TOO COOL! I love the hoodie. But everything’s super neat!

    I also really like the landscapes. I like how that half of the page is blank and that the first one just drops off and the giant faces/hand in the second one. I wish there were giant faces in the midst of city scapes in real life, although that’d be kind of freaky too.

  8. Martin wrote:

    dude, yr stuff is hot. i’m the martin steve mentioned earlier in the comments and i would love to do some work with you. if you want to sell any of your designs, present or future, drop me an im (aim ins0mnesiac) or email. seriously, pretty good, dude.

  9. Patrick wrote:

    What is the circular thing in the criminal line, a sticker?

  10. Bill Ferenc wrote:

    You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the comments, I feel like a rockstar or something. I’m sad to say that none of these products actually exist (except for the shoes and the skateboard, those are both 100% real); thanks Photoshop! However, I really do want to pursue this because I’m starting to realize that maybe designing things is what I might be good at.

    pat: the circle thing is actually a skateboard wheel design. the pink was supposed to match the color of the skateboard but I didn’t have time to fix that.