Okay, Although technically i have 4 weeks left of school 3 weeks left of class I am completely freaking out that this entire year has gone so incredibly fast. Maybe it is because I spent 1/2 of it in Tokyo. It’s already time to think about wrapping up the semester/year. Petbusters will be shown (in a shorter edit) this Saturday at Grinnell annual film festival. Morgan, Tim and I won first place last year with Bare Aspirations, here’s hoping for another placing in the top 3.
It’s a little early to say this for sure, but I think chances are fairly good that this summer I will be either working on: Designing an efficient solid-state cooler or working in the 2-d plane of angstrom (i.e. atom) sized layers of metals on silicone. I decided to try to get the Cooler, even though I really have no idea how, I would guess paramagnets, but who knows? I just think people will understand “I worked on making shit cold” even though it seems like a lot of people are doing research in these nano-scale 2-d layers and 1-d carbon nanotubes and nanowires. Plus we all know that liquid nitrogen is super fun to play with. I am hoping I get to play with Helium superfluids. Also, you should all come and see me in the lab. We can try to clone dinosaurs, or just break millions of dollars of equipment. God bless the Department of Defense contracts!
I know the seniors on Shambles will probably punch me for saying this, but I am already starting to freak out about post-graduation. I think science majors have it rough because there is no body of work that accumulates, except for grades. It’s kind of shitty because I do have papers I am proud of and things but basically they will never be read by anyone else ever again. So basically it comes to your grades and your performance on the GRE or MCATs (if you want to play Dr. House). Because I have took the semester abroad I will have to learn Optics all on my own for the physics GRE (or decide to take it after i graduate and take a year off before grad school). Terrifying!
Iggy Pop is my idol. Of all the people that I worship (and it is a long list) he is the one I most revere. He is Zeus to all of my lesser gods.
Iggy Pop just turned sixty. That is weird to me. He is the guy who kind of defines youthful rebellion for me, yet he could practically be my grandpa. He celebrated his birthday by jumping of stage while playing a gig with the stooges. If that doesn’t make you feel better about getting older, then I don’t know what will. Also, he is that old and has a better body than most people ever will.
Anyway, I am done musing. The real reason for this post is that I just got a new cell phone, HOORAY. My phone number is the same, but I lost about 30 or so contacts. This is an urgent plea to everyone to text me their phone numbers, so I can start the rebuilding process. Thank you.
yeah. not much else to say. Hot Fuzz tuesday. If you wanna be hip to the movie that Tim, Emma and I will be quoting for the next 5 years then you should go out and see it.
…of dustbunnies! that one phrase was the basis for this semi-spot illustration i just scanned for illy 2. also, i guess emma wants to frame it and put it in her new apartment.
Things in Iowa have been more or less keeping up the status Q as of late, which has left yours truly with a depressing lack of things to write about. I don’t specifically create anything of note (other than improvised song that make Katie smile, Brandon cringe, and Steven so upset that he won’t talk to me for moments afterwards) and as such, don’t have any nifty pictures or videos to share. Heartbreak. Sam, Steven, Emma, Brock, and myself finished the fourth (and possibly) final episode of “BEST ROOMATES FOREVER!” which may very possibley some day in the near-but not too near-distant future be seen on the megawebs. The script has been included for your bored but not-so-bored-that-I’ll-read-10-pages enjoyment.
Other than that, what does the future hold for your faithful Iowa Squadron Supreme? Lots and lots of stuffly nothings. With the semester here coming to a close in terrifyingly rapid succession (3 weeks and we’re out), the quest for summer projects and fun is on. Joel and Evan have informed me that they have recently purchased (or will be purchasing) 360’s, and Steven and I have completed as of yesterday our Quest for Wii’s, which started at 4:30am and will be discussed later. In short, I’ve a terrifying prema-vision that this will be a vidja-game-summa. But then again, that kinda goes without saying, eh? EH? Eh.
Hey! As if my last post of greatest week ever wasn’t enough, I got ANOTHER piece of great news in the mail today!
I applied for a national award/scholarship for student engagement and community involvement. Part of my application was a letter of recommendation from our President, Michael O’Keefe, which I was a little nervous about when I had to ask him, but he wrote a glowing letter, and now he and I are pals!
Anyway, the competition was first judged at state level, then the finalists moved onto the national competition, where 4 awards are available. (the award is $1,250 for professional development & $250 for a community organization that you have worked with).
So, the news today is that I was selected as the Minnesota representative, and my application has moved onto the national competition!! AHH! PURE nerves and excitement! I haven’t won anything yet, but this is a really big and exciting step! I will be recognized in front of all MN school Presidents who belong to this organization in June, and I get some free book (hah).
HOLY HELL. I don’t think I could handle any more good news! It takes too much energy!
LOVE YOU ALL. Because, I can’t do amazing things without amazing friends!
There are some circuit bending workshops going on tomorrow morning at Intermedia Arts, so Ben, Joel and I are going! Ben and Joel already have experience bending of the circuits, but I have none. I hope it’s really fun.
To prepare for the event, Ben and I traveled to the amazing world of Savers. There were Dr. Huxtable sweaters as far as the eye could see, lovely china arrangments, and everything had a lovely stickiness to it, especially the children’s toy section, where we spent most of our time. See below:
okay, shambot. FINE. FINE. I’ll post. You are just there, with your little S! and red logo… calling me… calling me back. SO FINE. HERE. TAKE SOME ARTWORK. I don’t know what to do with it, just take it. I mean, I wasn’t really using it anyway. God.
anywho, in reality I kind of like this. It’s for a theatre/music poster worskshop I’m taking, and it is actually the first time I’ve done photomontage like this before. Very interesting for me.. although I will admit that I totally EFFED up the “salesman” lettering, the “death” part probably did not need that much room. But I’m generally happy with it. Perhaps one day I will be making real posters for real theaters! That’s something I’m actually interested in!
In other news, I too won no monies. But I’m okay with it because everyone who won (in my department, at least) deserved it. No hard feelings. I’m just happy because Alli and Katie and I are totally going to live in a beautiful duplex come June and it will be the swingest Shambotian Household ever. That that, dooples, the dooplettes have come to roost.
Also yesterday was my brother’s birthday! I got the entire front of house staff at the CTC to sing happy birthday to him and my parents, and he told me he might come visit with our friend Rory in the summertime! Not many of you guys have met the little Trithart, but I think you will like him.
You give me a stupid assignment, I’ll give you a stupid project.
Assignment: Do a project, in your own medium (interactive for me), and make sure it is “Dr. Seuss-ian.” You have one week.
Me: That’s dumb and not enough time to do a decent project.
Evan (not actually in the class): Make a Cat in the Hat game!
And that put the whole thing in motion. After many revisions it turned out that the less complicated version was closer to what I believe our dear, late Doctor would have wanted.
Newgrounds.com here I come!
UPDATE: Well I thought it was one week, it turns out we might have two weeks. In anycase, I feel I’m done with this.
I wish I could start off with a great announcement saying I won an incredible amount of money because of my illustration skills, but I can’t. Whether my abilities are optimal or not will forever be in question.
Here’s something I’m working on for class:
Our final for the product design class I’m in is to create a body of five products to go in our “line”. My fictional company is Criminal Skateboards, and my products feature weird characters and vibrant colors with a focus on design. Right now my color palette seems to be staying with greens and pinks with black and white as strong elements in the design. Patterning is also a strong part of my company’s aesthetic; from plaid to polkadots and argyle to graph paper. I have two decks designed and the shirt is done, but I still need to design the jacket, skateboard wheels, and lastly a pattern to go on Vans slip-ons (which I am for reals going to somehow transfer my design onto the shoes). My instructor, Lindsay, says that I should take this seriously and possibly create a small line of products to sell in local shops. She has a lot of contacts and knows where I can get t-shirts printed and even a place that will print my designs to be placed on skateboard decks. If all goes well you might be seeing someone skating on my decks. Hence the title of this post, I’m so corporate.