This computer is awful and for some reason the Title area isn’t showing up in this editor thing, so forgive me. Let me introduce… BEN! He was recently interviewed by Dolly in Big Boy Magazine! So famous!
Ben 10!an interviewinterview, cont.

Let the Christmas festivities begin!

EDIT: I thought I’d tack this on. I scanned it in with my parents’ scanner which is, unfortunately, awful.
something or other


For my editorial illustration class we had to do a short series of illustrations about stuff, I chose to to create images for some of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had. Here it is in book form. The orange pages are the titles of the illustrations.

I'm still dreaming...i hopeDon't worry I've done this before.eep!Why are we stopping here?There were tires everywhereKawCreepy crows

There are only these two weeks left of the semester! I honestly don’t have much work to do, but I think I’m ready for break. I need to rest and prepare for SENIOR PROJECT! AHHHHHH!


I posted a video a while ago of me eating. Here it is:

Eating Song from billbill on Vimeo.


Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

(PS- the drums are a live recording from our attic!)
(PPS (or is it PSS?)- could this be our shambot theme song? Or do we need something less/more silly?)

mad gab

mad gab

A ton o’ stuff

So, I’m finally making a substantial post. I’ll start with this:

I’M FLIPPIN’ FAMOUS! No, not really. But this is my first published illustration. It’s in RED magazine, which is a small thing Target publishes that’s about getting ready for college and things like that. It also has advertisements for Target products.
Ta-da!Me, the floating head.eight and nineten and eleven

Here are a few day assignments from my Editorial Illustration class. The first four are valentines… I guess. They’re lovely. The last one is about a mustache. We were supposed to write a short paragraph about a memorable mustache, a friend and I swapped stories, so I did an illustration of his dad.
Four Stars.Picture Perfect.Heartbeats.Cloud 9a mustache


No new art…

but more ellipsises, and a cute new song. It’s very short, but when I listen to it I imagine someone buying flowers.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.


Before anyone in Iowa decides to go see this for many reasons I am sure, wait for us! We’re going to be there for the Long Halloween Party, so we could go see it that weekend. Ummm, please?

I’m scared of aliens…

…but I’m having way too much fun with my Graphic Design UFO project. Seriously, almost 100% creative freedom besides the fact that it has to somehow involve UFO. Other people are hating it, but I think it’s great. Right now my theme is about language and translation. Or ‘alien language’ if you will. Basically, my idea is that when you hear someone speaking another language that you’re not familiar with, it means absolutely nothing. But to that person, it obviously means something. In my project I’m revealing words and “translating” from a foreign language to english. I haven’t worked out everything yet, and I’m still testing some of my methods. You can watch them! I’m showing this clip in my class tomorrow as a form of process. I’m also not sure where this project is going, but I like what’s happened so far.

Revealing Words! from billbill on Vimeo.

guess what it’s not…

A poster for my movie I'm producing.
I’m going to send this out as a Christmas card though. So, sorry for ruin the surprise but most of you will be getting a copy of this in the months to come. I’m… not really happy with my L.L. Bean cover . In case you can’t tell, this really isn’t my style. I think I might print it out on some nice paper and then collage some things into it, and paint over other things. Yep.

PS- I used gouache. Guoache? GOOSH?