He Lives!
SO, here I am. Actually living in NYC, BLOGGING from NYC. First though, living here is way different from visiting. For starters, I actually have a key to a building where I can retreat to at a whim. So that’s pretty nice. Also, it’s less crazy. When Bill and I visited it was more or less non-stop-doing-stuff, or at least figuring out what to do.
I’ve been doing a lot of hanging out. Usually in cafes, sometimes in parks, sometimes in Central Parks… I’ve been reading Chance’s copy of Speaker for the Dead which is REALLY GOOD and I can’t put it down. It’s one of those stories that I don’t want to end. Luckily for me, I’m a pretty slow reader! I like to read, stop, think about what I read, re-read and so on. Usually this is a bad thing but, for good stories and cash-strapped-people, it’s awesome.
Bill will recognize this place! We stopped here for a late night meal and it was possibly our first “true New York restaurant” experience. Very small, packed with people, staff had thick accents and were hard to understand, AND good food. When Lindsey and I were walking around on my second or third day in I realize, “Hey, I know this area!” That was pretty cool.
I’m still working out the job situation and more importantly, the internet situation. (hah) Right now if I want internet on the laptop I have to sit on the far left side of the couch and hold the laptop up into the air until I can connect to an open network in the area, then sloooooowly move back on to the couch. Then repeat.
My iPhone is actually my main internet device now! Who’da thunk? The only problem is it’s hard to make a post with a little keyboard.
The first few days were quite emotional, but I’m much better now. Moving to a new region of the country is hard and weird! And this is the first time I’ve done it.
After spending 22 years in the Midwest, I will never forget it or the people who are there. I will definitely be back for visits and never think for a second that I’ll forget or resent where I came from.