
Super secret project! Shhhhhhhhhh.


It might have something to do with fingers. Wicked fingers?

total goobs!

Here are some funny guys I drew. They were scanned and then colored in Photoshop.
they\'re total goobs!

Using photoshop and illustrator has become almost second nature now. It’s kind of weird that I don’t really have to think about what I’m doing while I’m using the programs. Freshmen year of college, I didn’t even know how to use them! Now when I need to use the paint bucket I just hit the G key, when I need to transform something my fingers unconsciously move to the apple and T keys. Eyedropper? Hit the I key, Marquee tool? M key. Type Tool? T. Paintbrush, P. Move tool, V. I’m sure we all have had the same experiences with our hobbies and work.

In other news, I don’t have a job. I think I might apply at an art supply store or something. I really want to work at a design firm, but most places are only offering internships. I would really like to have health insurance, that seems pretty important.



Here are some things I did this semester that I like but haven’t scanned in yet. They are, unfortunately, digital pictures I took without a flash when there was not enough light. SAD. Excuse my blur.

Go Steve Wiebe!!yes!confusion!

The first image is an illustration of Steve Wiebe trying to break the current world record for Donkey Kong. If you haven’t seen A Fist Full of Quarters yet, I greatly encourage you.

Next is an illustration of an astronaut. The color palette is kind of a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey.



Hey have you guys heard of this movie? I’ve seen a few clips it looks rather amazing. These posters! They’re pretty cool too. I wonder who did them?



ghetto fab!

Here’s a song. It has lyrics! Not mine, of course, but those of Trygve and Joel performing as Tortoise & Hare. This song is EXPLICIT. Listen with caution.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Two more delightful soundbytes

… to tickle your ears.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

P.S.- My collection of songs is 13 long now. Since they’re all only 1 minute long I think I’ll burn a CD when I hit 35 songs.


So it’s my senior year, OUR senior year for many of us. If you’re not breaking down every other day in an anxious panic, then it probably isn’t your senior year, and you should be very nice to anyone who is graduating in May. That’s in about four and a half weeks, great, huh?

Anyway, I haven’t graced the dashboard of Shambot in quite a while. My senior project has taken over my life and I’ve been spending most of my time researching, drawing, and painting as much as possible. My project isn’t even near completion, so I’m a bit nervous at this point. It’s going very VERY well though, so I’m excited to get things finished up.

Here is a….. um, something from my project.
Just you Wait.

Who’s that? Who’s that?

Who’s That? from billbill on Vimeo
EDIT: Switched from YouTube to Vimeo because Vimeo is much better.

these colors hurt my eyes but i still like them anyway

I haven’t posted anything for a month! A MONTH! Here’s something I did at work today. It’s an updated version of a previous piece of art. The title of the piece reflects my state of mind about what I want to do for a job after graduating.
i'm keeping my options open

Bill is a Doody head – <3 joel

Still in Michigan. However! Tomorrow I will be back in Iowa, thank goodness. It was a relaxing time here, but it was also extremely boring. I did manage to continue a project I was working on in my Graphic Design class, and apply it to the real world. I don’t know what to call it yet, but I expect to continue the process and see where it goes.
beer posterbeerposter2CVSCVS2OKOK2SBSB2

I ran around with a few friends on Sunday night, and I took these pictures…. on Monday I believe. I don’t know if the sunglasses are still up or not. The project is about copyright and identity; stolen identity to be more specific. The sunglasses are a way of bringing the black censor bar into our pop-culture-obsessed world. A “cooler” way of hiding someone’s identity.

PS- Joel, if you could add a title for this entry for me that would be so cool! I’m on my parents’ computer still and for some reason the title area won’t show up! :(