big night.

well, last night definitely was. a good time had by all, naturally–except maybe angie. but just when she got home.
at any rate, i am a little destroyed today, but here i am, at spyhouse. unfortunately, i am unaccompanied by the boy, since he is off gallavanting around in wisconsin for an outing club trip. but i got to see him on friday.
somehow, i will survive.
yesterday i was a homeworkin’ machine. i finished an identity for myself (digi ill) and a huge fatty illustration for a book cover of the legend of sleepy hollow (illi 3). there was much time spent in the cold, cold sb annex. seriously, sb. back off on the ac when it’s 20 degrees out, how about?
later, i’ll post some of the work that i did, for your viewing pleasure. (or displeasure…i don’t know what i’m doing that you can’t see the files…i post them the same way everyone else does. try using safari, if it’s available. our faithful joely is working on the issue).
other exciting things…my bike broke down on the way home from work on friday–that was a party. special thanks to benny t and miss emma for trucking my ass home. with bike. and letting me change scandalously in the backseat (there was talk of mooning, but i chickened out. i was way more ballsy on the track team bus in high school).
spyhouse is playing belle and sebastian. it’s making me so happy, i wish they would turn it up. i also wish that i wasn’t going to be editing my shakespeare paper and then writing my children’s lit paper for the next few hours.
at least i have antm and pad thai to look forward to. (if you mini apples read this before 7, get yo’ ass to angie’s for some hot tyra banks action! it’s the makeover episode! call me for reals!)
mmmm i really love sundays.


well hello there everyone.
i’m in le digital class, so i have computer access. which means distraction. so, as one could imagine, i am OFF TASK. that’s right.
in the spirit of being in digi ill, i shall post what i did for class this week. the title is “lucky underwear”.
so…i was trying to avoid telling MORE PEOPLE about this, but dudes. i FINISHED MY NYSP APPLICATION. it is soooo turned in. (this is my off campus study DREAM and i want it SO BAD). so everyone pray, or knock on wood, or…whatever moves you. and brings me good luck. i have this weirdo interview thing a week from tuesday in which i have to answer a bunch of kind of personal questions such as: if you have a significant other, how are you planning to deal with the long distance relationship?
so much for personal space, i suppose.
anyway. last night was a ridiculous finish-all-my-portfolio-stuff fest. so i will leave you with the following. (this was miss emma’s xmas present, and tom garrett requested some editing to make it a portfolio piece).
i present to you, the interneters:
the tragic hipster (and her rose colored glasses)
omfg so many pictures roflmao
i love the internet.

i’m gonna yamo burn this place down.

because i am sitting at spyhouse, “doing homework” with ben (who is doing homework period, no quotes) i decided to make myself a list. which of course, is my favorite thing to do. something about the order, and the way sometimes you get to cross things off when you finish them. it kind of makes me hot. am i alone here?
without further ado:
“things that i love that i would rather i didn’t love”
1. the 40 year old virgin. oh em gee. i laugh so hard every time i see it. not like i’ve seen it 5 times or anything. who does that?
2. q-tipping my ears. this is the equivalent of masturbation via ear canal. don’t deny it. you do it too. i pity the recent generation who is advised against entering the ear. f that, man. it’s my sexy body.
3. america’s next top model. try it. you’ll like it, and wish you didn’t. tyra is so into herself, so all about grrrrl power, so sickening. but SO FIERCE.
4. stalking people online through blogs and myspace. even though i don’t have an account. this does not apply to people like emma and joel, whose blogs i read because i love them. i think we all know to which blogs i am referring.
5. checking my email obsessively at work. and then minimizing it when someone comes by to make sure i’m working.
6. peanut butter. the boyfriend is allergic to it, it’s bad for my heart, and it makes me fat. and i haven’t eaten it since the no-cholesterol movement, but even before that, i had to stop buying it because i slathered so much on toast i went through a jar in about a week. gross. but delicious.

let’s just stop there for now. but please, add your own thing that you love that you wish you didn’t. and then, we can all have an antm party where we swab our ears, look at myspace and eat peanut butter out of the jar. while quoting lame frat boy-esque movies.

monies are raining from the sky!

well, not really. just in this here illustration for ill 3.
it’s digital, something that i have always sucked at and lately (thanks to digi ill and work) have been forced into learning. so, this was all in illustrator.
anyway. work today was AMAZING because i got ALL THIS FREE STUFF. and we make the coolest stuff at work (it’s a stationery and product design company). that means i got free cute bags, journals, stickers, cards, list makin’ notebook goodness…it was magical. and i brought stuff home for my favorite girls. good job, work. too bad i am still dealing with the catalogue release from hell.
but look for that chihuahua purse card i designed in barnes and noble next semester. and if you don’t like it, i don’t care. because i was forced to draw a small, rat like dog. it wasn’t my choice. but i am still excited. so please, no bursting of the bubble.

ps. i wrote more cover letters tonight for the ny studio program. i want to go SO BAD. and i hope the nice cole haan people understand that. and harpers. and the new yorker (but i may have to suddenly get way cooler to snag that one).

welcome wagon.

well, here i am. just flew in from the land of no blogging and damn are my arms tired.
but seriously, folks. i’m katie, and i think i know most of you kids. this is my first concession to the world of blog-ish things. i’m at a loss as to what to share with you, the online community. yet i am excited, and i think i just peed myself with happiness.

so there you are.
things i will be posting about:
illustration (specifically ill 3 and digi ill)
tim toooooooozer and other wonders of mcadia
the rest of my so-called life (god, sometimes i just wish i WAS ms. danes. and that i had my own, hastily cancelled television program).

i also regularly update my lame-o cookie cutter portfolio, courtesy of adobe photoshop. it’s the pretty in pink link.

in news this week, we have the wonderful benjamin’s 21st anniversary of birth. i made him a card that shamelessly glorifies vandalism. enjoy. and if you see my favorite bearded hippie hipster, tell him you love him and wish him a happy birthday. cause really, he’s the best.