Modern Etiquette

It all started when Katie baked cookies at Emma’s and brought them over to our place on one of Emma’s plates sophmore year. It was a square plate with a very nice flowery pattern, super-cutie. One year passed and we still had the plate. By all rules of modern etiquette the plate was now legally ours. However Emma, in her grand “knowledge” of ownership saw the plate and took what she thought was rightfully hers. The war, game, and ridiculously complicated joke was born. (more…)

In the Attic

Here’s a song. It’s short, sweet, and to the point. The guitar and drums are live recordings from our attic (hence the name of this post, and the song) and I did my best to keep the rhythm. The keyboard was added later. Also the ending is stuuuupid! Ignore that part.

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