Astronauts & Dinosaurs – what else could you need?!

This artist is hilariously fantastic! Oil painter with two series – Astronauts in everything, and a dinosaur named Dinosaur who travels the globe. Scott Listfield is my new hero:
At the Laundromat with Boba Fett -By Scott Listfield

Dinosaur in NYC - Scott Listfield

yeah yeah

i know i haven’t posted at all since i’ve been “attending” the deep south, but that’s mostly because i’m totally jealous of everyone else. you heard it, i miss you. you win. i thought i could do without, but i can’t. actually, i just haven’t had any good pictures to post and really whats a good post without good pictures? im workin on a G3 here, so photos aint happening.

anyway, I was SUPPOSED to be home today. mother nature had other plans, ladies and gents. yeah, i waited in an airport all day as my flight kept getting delayed longer and longer. well eventually they just gave up and cancelled the flight. when might be the next flight out of this hole you ask?

tomorrow at 6am.

i just want to be home and see everyone,is that so much to ask, people?.


So, as you may know, the four fantastic mcad shambot ladies make a trip each weekend to some new and fantastic brunch location. This past weekend was no exception (minus the lovely katie, who was still in portland). It was such a crazy/delicious food experience, that we had to document the occasion. We went to the Keys Cafe in St Paul, and, well, this is the AFTER:

SOO much food!
does it look like we even made a dent? No. We seriously sat there and ate for an hour, and you can’t even tell! You can also see the remnants of the most fantasticly-gooey cinnamon rolls that you have ever seen (served with giant wads of butter), which we got free from our waiter, just for being hot! He said that if he were into girls, he would be into us, and hot girls always get free stuff, so we shouldn’t have to suffer just because he’s gay. Which, perhaps was the most fantastic reason for free cinnamon rolls ever! And he got a very big tip.

By the way….

I just read Shambot after a little hiatus, as my poor little laptop was at the doctor, getting fixed. (there is an apple a day joke in there somewhere, I just know it. But I can’t get there yet, as I just woke up.)

Anyhow, I was going to comment on a bunch of your individual posts, but instead, consider this entry one overarching comment.

I miss you guys SO MUCH. SO, SO much because you are my bestest ones and I love your faces to pieces. I’m telling you, the tiny purses almost pushed me over the edge.
Hearts, rainbows, ponies, and myself barfing in my mouth a bit because this is a sappy post obviously brought on by my mother forcing me to attend P.S I Love You with her yesterday, and therefore slightly destroying my cynical sarcasm gene (but don’t worry, it was very much still active in the theater),


p.s. I love you.

(I definitely just wrote this post so I could throw that gem in.)

brother from another mother?

I just saw There Will Be Blood (beeteedoubleyou, FANTAAAASTIC) tonight. We just got back from the theater, and instead of cleaning up all the boxes I’ve littered about the apartment, or cleaning, or doing artwork for crazy insane projects that are popping up, I HAVE TO DO THIS:


Dear Tim,

On behalf of Emma as well as myself, I would like to bestow upon you and the other shamblies our personal two worst gifts of the season… UGLY TINY PURSES. Somehow, both of our mothers conspired against us in a plot to ruin the cuteness that we haved worked so hard to accomplish…


ps. up next is my 50th post. prepare for greatness.

shouting contest. oh, I mean caucus.

For those of you who didn’t have the pleasure of going to Caucus:

caucus_01.jpg caucus_02.jpg


Fitting 300 people in a room meant for less than 100 was SO much fun. Especially when three groups were trying to count off at the same time!

look what i found


Bill is a Doody head – <3 joel

Still in Michigan. However! Tomorrow I will be back in Iowa, thank goodness. It was a relaxing time here, but it was also extremely boring. I did manage to continue a project I was working on in my Graphic Design class, and apply it to the real world. I don’t know what to call it yet, but I expect to continue the process and see where it goes.
beer posterbeerposter2CVSCVS2OKOK2SBSB2

I ran around with a few friends on Sunday night, and I took these pictures…. on Monday I believe. I don’t know if the sunglasses are still up or not. The project is about copyright and identity; stolen identity to be more specific. The sunglasses are a way of bringing the black censor bar into our pop-culture-obsessed world. A “cooler” way of hiding someone’s identity.

PS- Joel, if you could add a title for this entry for me that would be so cool! I’m on my parents’ computer still and for some reason the title area won’t show up! :(