shouting contest. oh, I mean caucus.

For those of you who didn’t have the pleasure of going to Caucus:

caucus_01.jpg caucus_02.jpg


Fitting 300 people in a room meant for less than 100 was SO much fun. Especially when three groups were trying to count off at the same time!

Comments (5) left to “shouting contest. oh, I mean caucus.”

  1. Patrick wrote:

    GUH, I take back what I said about my precinct being crowded. I imagine the people at your caucus were just as energetic as the people at my caucus, but I love how you managed to catch several frumpy faces in each picture. It looks exactly like how I felt.

  2. Allison wrote:

    ugh, im glad i wasnt there actually. except the part about the great photo op.

  3. evan wrote:

    it was better on tv… when you could flip to cartoons every once and a while to remind you what its all for.

  4. Chance wrote:

    that was a totally exciting hour or two to watch on tv. I wish I could have been there! lucky!

  5. Tim wrote:

    Democracy is for fools. Fools and liberals.