I couldn’t ask for more…

How am I supposed to react to this?

I was quietly sitting, playing D&D, and looking at CNN.com, when I came upon…


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Now, let’s just pause for a moment and consider this. Somewhere in the REAL WORLD, CNN reports, there is an ICE GOD and he’s MELTING. The Ice God is melting.

The question that springs to my mind is, “Why did no one tell me there was an Ice God?” I’ve been an atheist most of my life and during that time many people have tried to convince me that I’m wrong. Maybe they should have mentioned that there was an Ice God I could go see. That would have shut me right up. Now the poor sonuvabitch is melting and I may never get to see him.

And another thing… Why are only thousands gathering? The goddamn Ice God is melting! Shouldn’t that warrant a crowd of at least millions? billions? I mean, come on believers of the world! This is your moment! Seize it.

Comments (8) left to “I couldn’t ask for more…”

  1. Emma wrote:

    This is a perfect first post.

  2. pat wrote:

    Man now I am super curious what the actual article was.

  3. Chance wrote:

    The article was actually about this naturally formed ice stalagmite in India that Hindus associated with Vishnu. The stalagmite is what’s melting.

  4. Joel wrote:

    Your “timing” is awesome, with the break in the post I thought that you were going to make a post about Scooter Libby. Fuck that! You found REAL news!

  5. Evan wrote:

    why doesn’t anyone care about the vampire peacock?

  6. Tim wrote:

    True that! DOUBLE TRUE! Vampire Peacock’s are a menace! They bit my dog, made my dog a vampire! Jerks!
    Glad to know CNN covers the news we NEED.

  7. Lindsey wrote:

    ‘huge peen makes cop hot’
    my daily news-needs? fulfilled.

  8. Allison wrote:

    Not only is this the perfect first post for chance and for shambot via chance, but i was just thinking about how we needed more news-related posts… I think quite a few of us get a daily news feed, and we ALL KNOW how gloriously ridiculous some news headlines can seem. THIS is exactly what I was thinking.