Thats what they call it. Thief River Falls. Its even on the welcome to TRF sign and all of the local postings! I wish I could be posting amusing small-town pictures for all of you lovely shambelies out there, but alas, I am shooting with a 4×5 camera. Meaning, I have to develop and scan them first. Im sorry. But it has been sooooooooooo nice to take a vacation guys. I mean I was seriously burnt out from work. And it is just so relaxing to watch MTV all day long. My Super Sweet Sixteen, Engaged & Underage, that weird your parents choose a better date for you than your current jerk boyfriend show that is really awkward. I Love the 90s. God this is amazing… I get to laze around all day in my jammies while the boys are out bringin in the bacon, and I make cookies!!! Double batch of choco-choco- chip?!?! UH HUH! With lots of leftover cookie dough. Thief also has its very own South China Buffet which I have yet to savor. Im sure it will be all it is cracked up to be.

I swear I will be more interesting next time, I just miss Shambot so muches!!!!

PS. I will be home this weekend to usher a couple of CTC special presentation shows, and for the opening of the Fringe festival! My and Emma’s friend Sam has a show in it that HE WROTE and produced that you should all check out (ps i made his production shot there!! those are our other actor-friends!!! exciting!!). Its called “Same Difference.” You can register and add the play to your schedule so that if he’s in the top 10 he wins an award or something!?


Comments (1) left to “TRF.”

  1. Allison wrote:

    PPS. I dont know how im going to get home if 35W is GONE…. any suggestions? 694?? I DONT KNOW!