Joel Gillman aka Blizzard

Chance, Lindsey and I went to see Love In October at the Varsity Theater today (all ages show). They were pretty good, your average emerging band, maybe. The band after them SUCKED, so we left, decided we were hungry, and trotted over to Pot Belly’s all in one swift move. A few kids who were at the show were there too, and as I was biting into my delicious sandwhich when one of them (after whispering amongst themselves) came up to me and nervously stammered, “Hey, my friends and I were wondering, are you Blizzard?”

“Yes, actually… no. But I had you going didn’t I?”

“Woah, yeah. Are you sure? ‘Cause you look exactly like him.”

“Sorry man.”

“Okay, cool. Sorry for bothering you. Keep it real.” he said, smiling, convinced I was lying.

As he was walking back to his table I mumbled, “Man, almost got my cover blown.” He excitedly ran back to his table exclaiming “Oh man that’s totally him!” The girls got all giggley and everything. They kept looking over at us as they finished their food and as they were leaving they all yelled “Byyyye Blizzard!”

Right in stride I yelled back “Peace out!”

Fact: On June 29th, 2005 I went from a white, 16 year old kid in Minneapolis to rap superstar on MTV’s Made. Nile Greenberg aka Blizzard, son of Steven Greenberg – famously known for a little song called “Funkytown” – is my dopplegänger.

Joel Gillman aka Blizzard

Comments (9) left to “Joel Gillman aka Blizzard”

  1. pat wrote:

    Joel your last two posts have made my day! Keep up the good work!

  2. Tim wrote:

    Joel, I can honestly say I have no idea who those kids mistook you for, but I am very excited to see you this weekend.

  3. Steve wrote:

    What Tim said. Who is Blizzard?

  4. pat wrote:

    He was a kid from Minneapolis who was on MTV’s TV show Made. I forgot his real name, but he was made into the rapper Blizzard (i don’t know if he ever did an album though). He looked exactly like Joel.

  5. Steve wrote:

    Gotcha, that’s what the last part of his post is about. Considering those dots CONNECTED.

  6. Joel wrote:

    Nile Greenberg = Blizzard

  7. Angie wrote:

    Joel, isn’t it exciting to know how closely Steve and Tim hang on each and every word that you write? ;)

  8. Lindsey wrote:

    i’m excited that i dont look EXACTLY like jack ozbourne anymore.

  9. Evan wrote:

    woops, that last message was from me, not lindsey, who does indeed look more like jack ozborne than i ever have.