It’s a trap?

So, bomb threats have been an uncommon, though seemingly natural part of my University of Iowa experience. It’s happened at least 3 times in as many years, and today it got a little bit weirder.

An email was sent in today anonymously, stating that four pipe bombs had been constructed and placed on campus (the university has not released specific locations, or if the e-mail even specified)with several parts of campus having been examined almost at random, until a package was found between the Old Capitol (historical landmark) and Jessup Hall (roughly put, the nervous center of the university, see map). Said package was detonated by the Iowa City bomb squad, sounding roughly “like a bunch of of 12-guage shot guns going off” according to the building’s maitenance crew.

Smaller UofI

I work roughly in over half the buildings in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on campus (the right side of the map, also with exceptions). Eerily, I don’t feel all that upset considering the nature of the situation, but it can be said today has been an interesting day to say the least. More as it comes in.

Comments (3) left to “It’s a trap?”

  1. Ben wrote:

    Woah, scary! Good thing they caught it… I wonder why someone wanted to blow up Jessup Hall

  2. pat wrote:

    It turns out that package was just a book bag filled with cds and a cell phone. Anyways, stay safe!

  3. Emma Barnum wrote:

    I was working in the Linquist Center during the threats…It’s telling that they don’t really scare me anymore…
    I just have trouble understanding why a Monday, weeks before school starts with no important events or people present (saving myself and Timothy) would appeal to someone as a day to detonate a bunch of bombs, or even to threaten to do so…

    And I feel bad for the poor owner of those CDs and cell phone… I hope they get reimbursed or something…