a shambot that dances together, stays together


Originally uploaded by furny.

LOOK. There is most of the MCAD shambot crizzle, hanging out before the oh so famous black and white ball. I’ve uploaded as many pictures as I could on my flickr, but alas he ran out of bandwith before I could upload them all. I’m thinking (SIGH) i’ll stick ‘em all on facebook or something. EITHER WAY!!

I think everyone will agree that it was a night of excellent fun. I could dance for like, fifty more years! MORE DANCING.

also, now I am sick! Thanks a lot, whoever gave it to me. Evan and I went to lund’s today and I purchased:
(a) A pack of Emergen-cee
(b) A few fancy soups (butternut squash, veggie, tomato, black bean)
(c) Soap (we needed it)

Ohhh it was a delicious lunch. Right now I am installing CS2! This means: adventure!

Comments (2) left to “a shambot that dances together, stays together”

  1. Joel wrote:

    1) The BnW Ball was so fun!
    2) CS2 is very nice!
    3) If you want, I can upload the pictures to my Flickr account.

  2. Timmy wrote:

    Dem folk all look real puuurty like. Why’s that there Lindsey hidin’ in the corner?