
Katie made me want to post an assignment from Illustration 3, so I will. I guess I did aldready because there it is! The assignment was to illustrate the ‘art of eavesdropping’. The guy up top is listening to the guys below through the floor; very sneaky. I did this one with acrylic paint and there is some ballpoint pen in there as well. My favorite part is the blue guy, I think he turned out the best.

I don’t really know how I feel about the class so far. Everyone in there has talent, so at least it’s interesting to see what everyone came up with in their piece. I think I’m starting to like the instructor a bit more, I think I was a little bias at first because she was new and I didn’t know her and blah blah blah. It’s also cool to have so many people to talk to and get feedback from. What sucks is that Sarah isn’t in our class and it feels empty without her because I’ve had every illustration class up to this point with her.

More images later.

Comments (2) left to “Eavesdropping!”

  1. Emma wrote:

    Yeah, there are a lot of REALLY talented people in that class, but you didn’t see the assignment an unnamed classmate of ours did in my group in charcoal that probably took her 2 minutes, tops. You are one of those talented kids, Bill! I loves your art.

    More art more art!

  2. Bill wrote:

    Oh man, I did see that! I kind of wonder what our illustration 4 class will be like after junior reviews. Maybe there will be only one class and we’ll all be in it!