did you KNOW?


The month of January is National Soup Month AND National Hot Tea Month!! Soup and tea are two of my favorite things!!! I’m thinking we should all get together this weekend and make some soup and drink some tea. I made a really delicious chickpea soup (seen above at Long-Weekend Tea Party) on my birthday and now I’m hooked! I’ve gotta make more! I’m so obsessed that I almost bought a food processor with my extra birthday money, but chickened out at the last minute – I’m afraid with my last semester swiftly approaching, I won’t used the darned thing! I guess we’ll see.

In the meantime, who’s up for exploring this DELICIOUS SOUNDING carrot and parsnip soup? Soon? Yes?

Also, I got a REAL frickin’ job! It starts in February, so you will hear more about that then. Let’s just say, though, that I am mundo excited. Real life is starting, senioritis is kickin’ in for keeps.

Comments (1) left to “did you KNOW?”

  1. Evan wrote:

    um so i think i’d be down for some souptivity. i really miss cooking, i havent done it in forever.