dark and stormy night

hey guys, I just made this today. I am still thinking about the white background. It’s probably not the best idea, but TEVS. The exciting thing is that this here is my last school assignment. Woop. It is an illustration of the Tri-State Tornado of 1925. It doesn’t really look like a tornado.
the tri-state tornado

Also, some of us got to go to a baseball game (I MISSED YOU ALLI, BUT YOU’RE SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME SO I DON’T MISS YOU ANYMORE). Bryan and I managed to accidentally sneak in, it was awesome. AND THEN there was a Neil Diamond sing along (thank goodness), and THEN a “fan photographer” (i.e. cute teenaged girl) took our pictures.., if you scroll down the gallery a bit you will be able to see our great pictures, including the one where I look like my head is expanding like a balloon. Sweet.

Comments (1) left to “dark and stormy night”

  1. Alex wrote:

    Wow, tried to grab links, but the twins website really went all out to prevent this. If you want to know just how far, well let me tell you. Instead of showing an image that actually exists somewhere, they dynamically create an image file each time someone views the image. So, the file you see when you go there now, is different from the file you will see if you visit the site tomorrow. But the file still looks the same. They’re just different files named differently. Wierd.

    But good for you guys. I’m gonna try to go to Twins games more when I move down to the cities (less than 2 weeks!) SO if ya’ll are ever in the mood again, let me know.