good news/bad news


Originally uploaded by emma_brown

Hey dudes.

Soooo… I think brand new Fits that belong to Shambot writers must be cursed. Cuz mine just got OWNED by some ugly old car. That’s right. Before I even got a chance to UPLOAD A PICTURE OF IT ON SHAMBOT my car was hit. We (Alli and myself) got slammed into whilst in transit to the Mall of America. Oh sadness, how many times had we tried desperately to get our patooties to this mecca of shopping? Oh so many times, and none came to fruition until yesterday, and not four blocks away from my apartment were we stopped in our tracks by someone who did not notice that they had a red light. Thankfully, we’re all unharmed (save for some mean aches this morning).

That was, of course, the bad news. The good news is that I tots reopened my etsy shop! There’s a picture of one of the prints available up there at the top of the post. I decided I was ready to delve into that business again, especially because Katie’s shop is SO FRICKIN CUTE. Visit them both. Think fondly of my Fit. over and out.

Comments (5) left to “good news/bad news”

  1. Steven wrote:

    Sorry to hear about your Fit! Glad to hear no one was hurt.
    Is it totaled?

  2. Evan wrote:

    man that deserves a hearty “NERTS!”
    not that it compares, but in asheville, i was trying to park at the grocery store and this lady in front of me was pulling out very slowly. i stopped to let her pull out but before i knew it, i realized she was one of those people that pulls way too far out, way more than any cars need to come. and then i realized for some reason she was only looking out the right side and i was on the left. this all kind of happened very slowly, but in trying to get her attention, i tapped my horn and realized too late that my horn doesnt work. it was too late to throw it in reverse and the lady just backed right into me. she turned around and looked at me like it was my fault. so i got out and kindly explained why she shouldn’t drive.

  3. Joel wrote:

    Oh man, suck city. I almost asked to come with you guys, thank god I was sick.

  4. Allison wrote:

    serious. you would have been PWNED too.

    Emma, I can send you those pictures I took on my phone if you want, or I could just uploads ‘em.

  5. Bill wrote:

    I’m glad that you are both okay. Strangely, I saw that type of accident almost happen twice in the same day. It’s like the idiocy was being shared by a hive mind!