Shiny new Blog!

I know I just posted, but I need to direct everyone to the left-hand side of your browser window under where it says “links.” You will see a new one called “dotluv.” That is my very own, brand new blog! No, now shamboo, I am not leaving you all. I just feel the need sometimes to make crazy and frivolous posts on shambot and then refrain because I realize that they are crazy and frivolous, like what color my toe-nails are painted at present. You don’t want to read that, do you?? Well, if you do, you can go to dotluv, and I will not have to subject the rest of you to it… there. ALSO, I have a really great/really sad/really important post there right now that you all, especially if you are artists, have to read. Go there now.

Comments (2) left to “Shiny new Blog!”

  1. Evan wrote:

    oooh totally made that link relative. bad html, bad.

  2. Allison wrote:

    i know! i just still haven’t fixed it…