Support UE 1110 workers!

Some of you have probably already heard about this, but for those that haven’t, on Friday members of United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Local 1110 occupied the Republic Windows & Doors factory in Chicago. The decision to take over the factory was made after managers announced that the factory would be closed on three days notice and that workers would not be receiving severance or vacation pay as mandated by law. UE workers are calling on Bank of America, Republic’s creditors, to stop sitting on the $25 billion it received in the recent government bail-out plan and support a viable company or at least allow Republic to fulfill its obligations to workers.

As the occupation begins its fourth day, our support is needed to make sure that workers can keep up the fight until their needs are met. Messages of support are great and, I can say from experience, help morale more than you might expect, but what these workers really need is financial support. I know that none of us are rolling in dough, but any amount will help out. If you really can’t spare the extra cash, at least send them a note letting them know that you support them. And now, by the power of html (which Joel will probably have to fix) (joel: got it!) a Link! All the stuff you need is in the right sidebar.

Comments (1) left to “Support UE 1110 workers!”

  1. patrick wrote:

    Occupy, Resist, Produce