Lightbox v2.0

This is just an example of Lightbox 2.0! It basicly takes your pictures and makes them look hot. If anyone wants to know how to use it let me know! It takes a little knowledge of HTML, but really it’s just setting it up right.

Shlomo himself.Haha Rummy.Is this awesome?

Comments (6) left to “Lightbox v2.0”

  1. Ben wrote:

    That’s really cool!

  2. Maggie wrote:

    what is the whale thing from? It looks familiar but i can’t place it.

  3. Joel wrote:

    I guess it’s from a T-shirt? I found it online and thought it was funny.

  4. Timmy wrote:

    Jooooeeeeeeel! That’s awesome! I want a camera so I could actually make use of such things! Waaaaaaaah MY LIFE IS POOPLES.

    I kid. But that is pretty freakin’ sweet.

  5. Chancepants wrote:

    I love it. Huffington Post does something similar (and by that I guess I mean identical) for short previews of the stories on their site.

  6. Joel wrote:

    OH! Apparently everything is configured to use lightbox automagicly, so everyone can do it w/ no problems! Gotta love plugins!

    Thanks to Emma for pointing that out to me.