
Well! It’s Monday now and the Wii has pretty much been on since we got it on Saturday night (early Sunday morn). It’s pretty much everything I’ve been hoping for. The controller is much more solid feeling than I thought it would, not cheap at all. Even the battery contacts are really high quality (as dumb as that may sound).

After starting up the system, the first thing we all (Ben, Bill, Emma, Evan, Lindsey and myself) wanted to do was to make ourselves some Mii’s. This took roughly an hour for all six of us to make one, but they sure are fun to make! After that I wanted to set it up for our wireless network so I could get some internet action going. This was relatively painless considering the password is rather long… I had entered it incorectly at first, but got it the second time (with Ben’s help).

The Shop Channel was pretty cool and the music- this actually is a good point to talk about the background music on the Wii. All of the channels have their own little intro music and then background music while you’re using a channel. The music is great! It’s calming and unobtrusive and most importantly doesn’t get stuck in your head. My favorite is the Shopping channel’s music because it makes me want to shop.

Enough of these channels, time to put in a disc! It’s important to note that I am left handed; The first thing I did was put in the disc upside down. This isn’t really hard to do since the disc loading slot is vertical on my unit and here is no up or down. All that happened was that it gave me a disc read error.

Wii Sports, awesome and an A+. Important to note: It is really easy to play the games, it’s much harder to excel at them. I was terrible at baseball, I wasn’t that good in real life either… But none the less it was one of my favorites. As you move the remote through space it is reflected with your little Mii character. I wiggled the bat behind my back, I tapped the plate, I took practice swings. All very fluid.

Twilight Princess, really cool. While playing it late at night I was a little worried that it wouldn’t be good. I was also a little scared that I would be able to blow through it quickly. Quite the contrary, it’s very good, it’s very long. After playing it for 5 hours I got to the first Temple (one of nine). For those who don’t know, that’s a long time to get to a first temple.

Pictures and videos will be posted on Flickr, YouTube and Vimeo accordingly.

Comments (3) left to “Wiiview”

  1. Chancepants wrote:

    How was the moment of terror in between seeing the disk read error and realizing that you put the disk in upside down? I’m pretty sure I would have burst into tears.

  2. Steven wrote:

    You’re lucky. I once made a console that when you put in a disc upside down, it scratches the shit out of it and shoots is out at you.

    Tim (kind of) and myself may perhaps buy a Wii tonight. Maybe not though. Something about seeing the unit at Target yesterday got me in a kick to play Wii Sports. Wooh…?

  3. Timmy wrote:

    What Steven and Chance said. A disk read error first time disc go in? SHEER FUCKIN’ TERROR.