On the set!

This is your faithful reporter patrox on the set giving you the hot scoop on our latest project Petbusters! First off it stars shamby’s own Tim and Steve as petbusters kicked off the force due to their unorthodox methods. Sam plays the petbusters chief who constantly busts balls. Joelio says hi, he’s the still photographer and has a cameo as the green petbuster. Even your very own patrox rumble b has a cameo as a shirtless man who hasn’t showered in 2 days. Maybe that’s just because that’s how tim and steve woke me up this morning! WAH BA DOOP BA DOOP!

Comments (1) left to “On the set!”

  1. Tim wrote:

    You know, this is probobly the most fun I’ve had working on a project in a long time. Maybe it’s the moustaches. Actually, no, it IS the moustaches. Even though I don’t like the person my moustache turns me into, I’ll be goddamned if I don’t feel like a powerful brute man. A man who is for some reason entirely pissed off for no particular reason.