It’s 2007!

Yes, yes, yes. It’s 2007. We had our usual new years party here at my house where all my relatives come over and everyone gets drunk and I try to have fun. This time wasn’t too bad, I didn’t have to drive nearly as many intoxicated people home, and it was just a bit more fun this time around. I think my younger cousins kind of look up to me because I got out there in the “real world” and I enjoy what I’m doing. They’re also totally jealous of my mad art skills and my bangin’ macbook. I use the word ‘bangin’ because my cousin Ashley’s boyfriend, Nate, who is visiting here says that word a lot, and in some very interesting combinations. For example:

1. We were at a Red Robin earlier in the day, and to describe some clam chowder Nate said, “Man, that clam chowder was bangin’ ass.”
2. To describe some movie that he was talking about, “That scene was bangin’ sweet.”

He’s a pretty cool guy, but I think he needs to find a new word.

Over break I don’t think I’ve ever watched as many horrible movies as I have in the last week. These contemporary masterpieces include Jackass 2, Beerfest, Step Up, Accepted, John Tucker Must Die, and soon Happy Feet. My cousins are the typical high school Freshmen, except for the fact they’re both 20. They like these types of movies way too much.

I’ve been trying to keep myself busy by doodling and painting. Here is a picture of the painting I’m working on. It’s really not in focus, the color is off, and it’s crooked, but I didn’t feel like being a perfectionist on this. Also there is the older version compared to the updated. I color is way off in the old one, but it’s as close as I could get it in the updated painting.
I have an idea where it’s going and I really hope I can get it finished before the 4th. Wish me luck!

Comments (1) left to “It’s 2007!”

  1. Joel wrote:

    Good luck!! I hope that the painting looks bangin’ when all’s said and done.

    Also, don’t go to see Eragon. It’s like the story of Lord of the Rings and Star War mashed together, except it sucks. Not bangin at all.
