The John Woo

Comments (9) left to “THE JOHN WOO”

  1. Ben wrote:

    Steven, these pictures are SO AWESOME! You’ve inspired me, I want to try and do some stuff like this in my Digital Photo class this semester.

    Also: I know. I don’t have to act like it.

  2. Steven wrote:

    Thank a lot, Ben! That means a lot!

  3. Katie wrote:

    see, this isn’t that funny if YOU REALLY DON’T KNOW.
    DAMN IT.

  4. Timmy wrote:

    See Katie, that’s why you’ve got to ACT like you do. We won’t know the difference.

    Steve, Brock and everyone else had a ton of fun with “slidin'”. I’m very pleased that the photos turned out as well as they did!

  5. Sam wrote:

    Do you prefer Tim Maddrox or MULTIPLE TIM!!?

  6. Emma wrote:

    I kind of know.. does that mean I have to kind of act for the other part?

    JK, I totally got the multiple man thing. thank you, comic books boyfriend.

  7. Emma Barnum wrote:

    I don’t know :( But I’ve also benefited from the knowledge of my comic book boyfriend… we should start a club.

  8. Joel wrote:

    That is pretty much AWESOME! Thanks for making my day Steven.

    BTW, ALYK.

  9. Steven wrote: