the sun is shining right on my monitor

Well hey, would you look at that. I got out of class three hours early! I was in intermediate film and we were going to watch (another) full length movie, but the DVD didn’t work. Such a shame. I’m eating a piece of french bread now, because I was hungry. I wish I had something to eat the bread with, though. Kitty is crawling all over me because he’s been alone in the house for a whopping two hours. That is a lifetime for kitty. Here, have a picture of fatty:


Now, I’m going to play some Windwaker, because that is next in line of marathon Zelda beatings. (Zeldas beaten so far: Twilight Princess, Original) Oh, also, I made a website too. It’s pretty much the same as Evan’s:

don’t click here (just kidding, please click it)

Comments (3) left to “the sun is shining right on my monitor”

  1. Emma wrote:

    ADORABLE. I challenge you to take a picture of Genencor for every post you make.

    Also, it is wierd that your and Evan’s websites are like.. THE SAME! What! And Evan is playing Windwaker too! What! Are you guys the same person?

  2. Alli wrote:

    … yeah and im reading about you eating french bread at the same time that im eating a cupcake! thats TOTALLY the same!!! RIGHT?!?

  3. Evan wrote:

    zelda’s beaten so far: Twilight Princess, OG, A link to the past (ocarina of time, majora’s mask, but that was a while back). also, yes, i am playing wind waker for the THIRD TIME because it is the best one.