Walker, MN: Day 3

Today we shot at an old abandoned school. Not kidding. Toatally cool (Im drunk). So we had like a zillion kids come in and do shootz, most of whom were cool and excited, some of whom were either annoying or their parents were annoying. BUT nevertheless, a very good day. Also i am drunk.

Here is the awesome shoot in the awesome gymnas\ium/theater:


Here is the awesomest kid and his girlfriend that ive ever seen (sorry i dont have a better picture of him) that we ran into at a bowling alley later on:


More to come: more pictures, i promise? and also posters, you know those cool old cliche ones that have a picturte of an orangatang on them that say “hang in there”?? yes/. those.

Comments (1) left to “Walker, MN: Day 3”

  1. Emma wrote:

    yes/ . you are cute. Also, you are cute.