Walker, MN: the belated last days…

Okay, since shamby went all hay-wire last night and so did emma’s camera yesterday, I have nothing from day 4 officially to show. BUT I can tell you a few things that may or may not be interesting to you. This is my last chance to brag about my new cool asociations-ness. PS: these are from the abandoned school on Saturday as well.

First of all, I know I promised pictures of the fabulous people I was working with but a) the new york W people were much too intimidating to take full-on pictures of them (because they would probably see me and think I was wierd.) and b) this isnt an accurate depiction of the people from “Team Soth,” but close enough, right? The guy on the left is Josh, a former intern of Alec’s who was getting paid for this gig, unlike me; and the guy in the back is Alec’s assistant Phil, who is hilarious. Actually both of them are hilarious, we all laughed so much this weekend despite being so exhausted all the time. The girl’s name is Stella (cute!) and we actually photographed her twice (she was THAT cute!). In this one she is basically wearing a silk garbage bag with a collar and vintage shoes. Alec is behind the camera.


Aaaaaand this is my favorite kid EVER. He was so skinny and gawky and funny-looking in his big puffy camo jacket and moose hat. His name is Stephen and he cleans up real nice, dontcha think?!?! IN A CHANEL SUIT?!?! I think so. (Also this girl on the right is Eleonore, pronounced ell-ay-uh-nore, and she is awesome. She was from casting and I am going to visit her when I am in new york this summer!!)


Okay, let’s play a game: guess the ages of the people in the pictures. It’s harder than it looks! Winner gets a virtual pat-on-the-back? Gook Luck!

Comments (2) left to “Walker, MN: the belated last days…”

  1. Maggie wrote:

    um 12, and 17 respectively

  2. Allison wrote:

    close, but keep trying guys… and even guess the assistants ages if you want.