Best Game ever

So, in my attempts to figure out this weird ad that has been airing in all the movie theatres around here (the want2bsquare ad) I decided to go to their website. Which is It’s much less disturbing than the ad, but still intriguingly grotesque. The “game” lets you click around and explore these illustrated worlds, and gives you points for completing tasks that you figure out without much direction. I got 5 points for pulling someone’s finger nail off, and another 5 points for electrocuting a pig! Then I made a guy sneeze into a hole, and a chick barf into the same hole, then a mushroom grew out of it. I’ll let you figure out who sponsored the website.

I know both Joel and Peter have been learning flash recently, and I think it’s an awesome website to check out for their use of flash. Lindsey too, because the animation is much like hers. I think she has been secretly working on it.

Right now I have 185 points! This website is a huge inspiration too. It’s just one giant creative project, and it’s amazing to look at. I think you can actually redeem your points for prizes (something you have to register for), but right now I’m focusing on exploration. GO! NOW!

Comments (5) left to “Best Game ever”

  1. Ben wrote:

    This is a fun website! It’s a good place to mess around during class.

  2. patrick wrote:

    yeah super fun! I got 301 points but I should be doing homework right now!

  3. patrick wrote:

    Anyone else reminded of Hieronymus Bosch?

  4. Joel wrote:

    This is really weird. It’s pretty cool, though I’m sad it’s all for a commercial. I’ve got 305 points right now, only 599,695 points until I can get a TV!

  5. Lindsey wrote:

    Cube-heads everywhere!
    I WISH I was secretly working on this…