Broken Jaw

Broken Jaw
After staring at this for the last two point five hours I swear “broken” should actually be spelled “brocken.” It’s a stupid word anyways.

Fast Fact: For those of you who know about the table I’m making, the idea of a broken jaw started the whole thing.

This could be the Hawaiian Punch of beers: Gimmie a brocken jaw! Ka-pow! Drink beer!

Comments (5) left to “Broken Jaw”

  1. Colin wrote:

    Awesome! But it needs more alcohol content! Bam!

  2. Tim wrote:

    I likes it! But what of tang? Tang is a kick in the mouth and in a glass. . .

  3. Lindsey wrote:

    I like it too!
    You should totally make a Shambot comercial for it, complete with lots of “Ka-pows” and broken jaws. So long as it’s not my jaw that gets the breaking.

    …I know it’s only ‘cuz you loves me & I best stay in the kitchen. Bu-HOOOO!


  4. Lindsey wrote:

    btw – ‘broken’ is a dumb word. No matter what typeface I use, it stops looking like a real word after I look at it long enough.

    The word ‘stairs’ does this to me sometimes too. I have no idea why.

  5. Allison wrote:

    my favorite part of the label is the bottom part with all of the 100% beer, fluid ounces, etc. stuff. I like how it is all wonky, but still readable. GOOD JOB!