
More like duhm-rake! More on that later.

wireless netwizzle

Ha! Isn’t that a funny name for a network? Just makes you wanna join up.

fastest DL

Nerd moment: CHECK OUT THAT DOWNLOAD SPEED! When do you ever see that shit? Damn that’s fast.


Bill txt msgd text messaged me and told me to get online (they’re in Iowa). They were watching ghost busters 2 and that was cool. We made feces faces.

It’s 3:13 in the AM and I’m tired as hell. I’m helping my mommy move stuff around so they can sell the house and move to another state. Weird? Yes.

Tomorrow I will post a video of myself describing, in brief, what it’s like to be in Madison.

Comments (1) left to “Buh-rake?”

  1. Lindsey wrote:

    3:13. Press Return.

    Sure, you SAY you were moving stuff around, but I know you were busy hacking secrets of the universe. ;)