face melting attack, go!

Mark Mallman

Originally uploaded by howwastheshow.

ok guys, for those not in the Em Pee El Ess area, you should know that we all had our faces rocked off by Mark Mallman at First Ave. on Saturday night. Thanks to the genius that is flickr I have found some pretty sweet pictures of the event, taken by “howwastheshow”. Do you remember this guy, boys? He was walking around all night with his fancypants camera.

For those who don’t know Mr. Mallman, why not hop over to his website and listen to one of his way cool songs? “Substances” pops up in it’s own window and plays all the way through, unlike the ones on the main page.

In other news I now kinda know how to use the Children’s Theatre ticket office ticketing system – did you know that there is actual software out there JUST for ticketing? The one they’re using is called Patron’s Edge. If I wanted to, I could go in there and give myself 200 free tickets! Or more! madness. However, I don’t think I will be working at the ticket office because it takes up too much time. I have given the Children’s Theatre enough of my time, dudes.

ALSO today I raised my hand, virtually. AND the new iTunes is fun.

Comments (1) left to “face melting attack, go!”

  1. Joel wrote:

    zOMGsLOL RMFO!!!11 Mark Mallman was the best concert I have ever seen. I think I will be let down by every other concert now. Thanks a lot Mark Mallman.