I had a bunch of screenshots on my desktop that I didn’t know what to do with, BUT NOW I DO! Thank you, fellow Shambies.

  1. This is your regular 404 error that everyone has seen before, but in Russian (I think)! Never seen one of those before.
  2. Hahaha, nothing funnier than babies.
  3. I found this one while searching for new car insurance. Errors exist, be afraid.
  4. While Ben and I were making our timelapse video (which I haven’t posted yet, whoops) Emma called. Here’s that frame.
  5. This is my name for the new Doritos X-13D flavor. I didn’t submit it because I had to do some login crap and didn’t want Doritos to have my email, even if I am a clever bastard.

By the way, Lindsey, I made a post that only you should be able to read if you login and look at the site. Can you see it? Can anyone else? Awkward if you can…

Comments (3) left to “Oh ME TOO PLEASE”

  1. Tim wrote:

    No fair Joel! Shambot does not keep secrets! Also, I would like to purchase some delicious Bangin’ Zesty Penis Doritos from you K THX BYEEE.

  2. Allison wrote:

    i definitely think i might consider maybe purchasing those… maybe.

  3. Evan wrote:

    zesty? thats a total turn-off