Horton Hears a Hell Yeah!!!

so its finally done… but i need some tips from those in the know, how should i compress it, Joel????…If there is an interest to view the full non-shitty version let me know…maybe we can have a screening or something (my class gets to use a 3D eyepatch and I could bring them for your enjoyment). Or I could burn you a copy. Cause I love you.

“Sorry about your head…”

Today, Emma and I visited Bryan in the hospital. In case you didnt know, Bryan fell and bumped his head (sorry Bryan), but he is okay… Emma and I went to the hospital to make sure. AND we made him delicious cupcakes too, maybe because WE wanted cupcakes, we’re not sure. They were Funfetti (“AWESOME-FETTI”) with chocolate frosting. The best. And here they are:


Also, we were a little excited when we were handed a card by the cute, old information desk-lady with Bryan’s room number on it. Cute. It was much more hepful than the ladies at the cardiology ward reception desk who just peered at us from behind their computers, not wanting to help us. And here it is: (PS: Notice the last elevators on the list. We wished we had taken those!)


In other news (or lack-of-news really), the semester is going fine. Albeit a little slowly, but fine. I have already started my senior project, which is scary. And I am starting to realize that this project will be what I exhibit next semester when I graduate, whether I like it anymore or not. You know how it goes with work (well, all of you artists out there), where you could like it one day, but hate it the next. Hopefully that wont be the case. But besides the semester going slowly and the heavy and intimidating work-load, I have been in high spirits lately! For those of you who know Alex, my boyf-o, I am happy to announce that he finally got the internship that he wanted at DigiKey (it was a long and arduous interview process)! Despite the semi-dumb-looking website, they are an awesome company. UPSIDES: The will be paying Alex handsomely (like $18/hr) for 12 weeks this summer, including 4 paid vacation days AND he gets his own cubicle, not to mention he will be working with a few of his buddies that had the internship last summer and now WORK THERE (cool!). Camping anyone? Hiking? Biking on the SIDEWALKS?!? DOWNSIDES: I will be moving to the middle of nowhere this summer to be with my wonderfuls (you will have to zoom out quite a bit). I expect you all to visit me on the weekends. Im serious. Of course, I will be coming home for SES. So we will be fine. And I will get to do a whole lot of shooting while I’m up there, as well as get a gigantic change of scenery, which I think coud be a very good thing. Plus, I look forward to making dinner for my baby and playing cute little housewife for once! BARF!

the sun is shining right on my monitor

Well hey, would you look at that. I got out of class three hours early! I was in intermediate film and we were going to watch (another) full length movie, but the DVD didn’t work. Such a shame. I’m eating a piece of french bread now, because I was hungry. I wish I had something to eat the bread with, though. Kitty is crawling all over me because he’s been alone in the house for a whopping two hours. That is a lifetime for kitty. Here, have a picture of fatty:


Now, I’m going to play some Windwaker, because that is next in line of marathon Zelda beatings. (Zeldas beaten so far: Twilight Princess, Original) Oh, also, I made a website too. It’s pretty much the same as Evan’s:

don’t click here (just kidding, please click it)

hey man

this isn’t fair. Everyone’s got some sort of achievement, ailment, goal, or creation that they get to show off. And what do I have?! NOTHING. Gosh. I don’t even have a cool song, EVEN THOUGH I have a fancypants new version of Garage Band.
I mean, school is going pretty good – I don’t have as big of a classload as I normally do, so I’m getting things done KATIE-STYLE (i.e. way before they have to be done). The Made at MCAD show is coming up, and I guess I’m thinking about putting some pieces in – except I’m thinking about what I’ve made so far in classes this and last semester… and I can’t think of anything I want to put in there. I guess maybe three of my tokyo pieces? Or my drawing final assignment? It’s wierd. I thought I was pretty proud of last semester’s work, but now I feel like it’s old and crusty. UGH.

Also, Bill posting Mr. McPrettyCool reminded me that I had scanned something recently..

yeti g

it’s the fabulous life of Yeti G, a DJ who has lofty dreams of becoming a rapper with soul as opposed to (what he feels are) the cold and meaningless mainstream rappers of today. He also has a cat named Souther and likes watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond in his studio apartment.


School is moving along slowly.

I also haven’t been feeling very well lately. Ben took me to urgent care a few weeks ago and they told me I had Epididymitis. I was put on antibiotics for a week, but those didn’t do much. I felt a little better, but a few days later I was back in urgent care with more pain. It’s weird though, because most of pain is in my lower abdomen and it’s never constant. So they gave me more medication (this time for it’s for two weeks), and they scheduled an appointment with a urologist.

I went and saw the urologist, and he tells me I don’t have epididymitis, and that he doesn’t know what the problem is. So he schedules me for a CT scan two weeks later. It seems like all these doctors are just giving me the run-around. I’ve been having this problem for about a month now, and I have to wait another two weeks before I can get anything close to an answer. I’ve also had four different people touch my you-know-whats in the last few weeks. I’ve gotten used to it now though, but I think I need to retire.

All tense shifts and grammatical errors aside, here’s Beeny McPrettycool:

Summer Research Plans

After an entire weekend of deliberating where i should go this summer i have narrowed it down to 6 schools. I am not going to bother telling you what their research is about in some of the schools mainly because I don’t fully know yet and I am too lazy to find out to write this post. I will know more after I actually apply (which is my goal for this week!). Anyways it was a major pain in the butt because a lot of deadlines already passed or they only want women and minorities. ANYWAYS, I really had a hard time picking 6 schools because a lot of research nowadays is in bio for some reason or another. I wanted to do CompSci research a little but i guess knowing scheme and java just doesn’t cut it! Anyways I feel like i have to get accepted to a least 1 of these. Otherwise it is HELLO SUSHI HOUSE!

Coe College – Back in CR. I am using this as my safety and my 2nd choice. I am on relatively good terms with the person selecting and I think I could probably send the physics prof an email who is running it, my dad knows him. Plus I guess he is the world leader on glass or something.
Huh. Upsides: hometown means good times. Downsides: it’s effing glass.

U Minn- You best belize that if I get this i will be hanging out with the shambotians every day. I MEAN EVERYDAY. Actually more like every week or so. Maybe? Anyways, having friendly faces in a city is always a huge plus. Upsides: It is in Minneapolis, Downsides I have no idea what the research is.
Michigan State and Penn State- my advisor told me to do these. So… I am.
John Hopkins- Nano technology and self-assembly, Plus it is by where deedee (my gf) will be getting her internship this summer. actually this is a joint thing and there is 1/2 chance john hopkins 1/2 chance brown. Upsides: Nanotechnology is the future and I will harness it, and John Hopkins is an elite med school so I can play Dr. House! Downsides: a nanobot virus i accidentally release could kill everyone.
And my number 1 choice?

University of Alaska Fairbanks- Honestly I don’t know if this is my actual number one. But i guess you shoot rockets up into the ionosphere and take measurements. Sounds cool, right? It also combines my favorite fields of mathematical analysis, computer programming, and classical physics. Upsides: It’s in Alaska, and we shoot rockets. Downsides: It is in Alaska, and i don’t actually know if I personally get to shoot the rockets (and they pay the least, still a decent 3k but they don’t reimburse travel).
I will let you know if I get into any of these programs, I imagine i will at least get into a few. You guys should tell me if there is any place that you think i should go to, because right now they are pretty much the same to me.

fyi, CSS is now cool

omg, i made a website. ME!

Evan Palmer, The Website


ok, i really, really, really hate to do this to emma, who is the loveliest love of my life. so emma, really, if you’re listening, please don’t be mad. if you’d come out here, i would SO buy you a ticket because i would be THAT excited, even in my impoverished state. i so, so would.
ok, here it is:
aaaaaaa i’m so excited i am totally going to throw my panties on the stage into ira glass’s beautiful face. i don’t even care that i just blew $50 and i didn’t even ask anyone else to come, so i am going by myself (unless, that is, miss emma (the only other person who is as huge a TAL fan as i am, and actually, the very person who introduced me to the online archives that have fueled my obsession) decides to charter a private jet to come out here and join me) I AM SO EXCITED i am just going to pee all over the place.

this is a snow midget.

i drew him with a mouse, so there you go.

listy mclong length.

good things are happening here.
most notably at this point in time:
a) my laundry is done. and the guy who i always make an ass of my self in front of was gone today.
b) have elected to take a sort of afternoon-long domesticity filled hiatus from the city, during which i will be making (hopefully) delicious lentil soup.
c) am making very good progress in my tattoo designing/debating. as in, design is done. meeting to be had with the perma-needle relatively soon.
d) had a lovely run this morning. seriously, it was so good.
e) am almost through “everything is illuminated” which is weird, but good. next up–back to the stack of books from harper’s. also, the gospels! (have pledged to educate my secular mind to be able to better converse with the scholarly boyfriend).
f) the march issue of harper’s is now in my hot little hand. IT HAS MY NAME IN IT. am not sure when it comes out in stores, but when you see it, look inside! (i’m “art intern”. duh.)
g) have (hopefully) solved a computer crisis WITHOUT CALLING JOEL. which i am sure he appreciates. (love you, joely!) my laptop apparently decided to revolt by randomly turning itself off. irritating. but i called people who were on the clock, getting paid to help me! and they did! seems those pesky little updates are essential.
but, sadly, bad things as well:
a) the abundance of art in this city is great. what is not great is that is is not all great. do you see what i’m saying here? 8 billion openings every night does not mean 8 billion GOOD openings. more like 2.
b) i definitely spent an assload of time making a clever little card for the high stakes mcad valentine’s contest. i sent it in, double checked that afternoon to make sure it hadn’t bounced back and that i did, indeed, send it to the right address. but it’s not in the f-ing contest. does any mcadian know what happened? there are only like 10 in there? excuse the web-acronym, but WTF?
c) my pop culture obsession (well, one) with the OC is being cut tragically short by the lame-os at fox. to make matters worse, openings on thursday nights + no knowledge of how to set up recording on my television = the fact that i have not seen the show that is shaping our corrupt nation SINCE I GOT HERE. now, THAT, folks, deserves CAPITAL LETTERS. i miss you, OC! come out on dvd soon so i can sit in my jammies and give you the attention you deserve!

actually, i think that’s all the bad. except that i miss you, everyone who is reading this. (i may miss you if you’re not reading this, but then you’ll never know, will you?)