This is how you stop a war

I actually welled up a little when I read this. This type of thing hasn’t happened, I think, since World War I. (Maybe Vietnam, but nothing comes to mind.)

ILWU Shuts Down Docks for May Day – Socialist Worker

Barack Ahmadinejad

An unfortunate juxtaposition to be sure…


Rock bands are classy

I’d like to say that I had nothing to do with this, but I was one of the guys recording “next great indie rock album”. Yup.

Here’s the link.


Cyborgs have an unfair advantage against we natural human beings, correctly states the recent ruling of the guys that make the Olympics happen. We need to keep all cyborgs, androids, and all so-called “mechanical-men” from using their robot abilities to make us look like pussies.

Here’s the link: NYT

New roommates! No Job.

It’s been a while since I posted and a longer while since I posted about myself, so here, for your reading pleasure, is an update on my life.

Anyone who’s seen me in the last few weeks will know that the thing that has been foremost in my mind has been The Great Job Hunt of ’07. My original goal after graduating was to have a job lined up by the first week of December. I realize now how incredibly naive that goal was. Finding a good job is hard, man. I arrogantly assumed that I’d have very little trouble getting an interesting job, but now I it seems there are a lot of people looking for jobs and my resume isn’t getting noticed as much as I’d hoped it would. I’m trying not to get too stressed out about it, but it’s a bummer to keep getting turned down for jobs. If all else fails I’ll just get a couple of part-time jobs to pay bills while I look for something better and that would be fine. Sometimes you gotta wait for the good ones, right?

The reason I need to get a job so bad is that if I don’t my new roommates will totally beat me up. These three violent dudes I’m soon to be rooming with are named Bill, Ben, and Joel and they are the meanest hombres this town has seen in a long time. We got this rad pad in Minneapolis with a three-season porch, a dishwasher, and a claw-foot bath tub… and that’s just the stuff on the first floor! I’m really super big time excited to move in. I was thinking the other day that this will be the first time I’ve lived in a place where I would totally hang out with each of my roommates individually and not just because we’re living together. This is gonna rule.

So, yup. If you hear of any jobs in economic/social justice in the ‘apples area, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll totally hook you guys up with free McDonald’s fries and let you hang out on our porch. (You can hang out on the porch even if I do get a cool job.)

P.S. I’m sure one of us will post pictures of the new place as soon as we take some. Stay tuned!

Chavez: Not great, but not that bad

Okay, this has been bugging me for a while and, since the media has a major outrage erection about it right now, I thought it would be a good blog post thing. So el presidente, Hugo Chavez, is trying to get some reforms to the Venezuelan constitution passed that, according to every news show I watched this morning, will make him “dictator for life”. However, this is just another instance of the media misleading the public. The specific reform they’re talking about is Chavez’s move to remove the presidential term limit. I should mention that, from an ideological perspective, I think this is a bad move on Hugo’s part, but saying that it makes him dictator for life is lying by omission.

UPDATE: The purposed amendments have been defeated by a 2 point margin of the Venezuelan peeps. So, Hugo’s having a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.

idle hands are mediocrity’s playground

I got all bored and stuff, so I pieced together a cable that would let me plug my guitar right into my computer. (Usually I would use my mbox with its nice A/D converters, but it’s in MN.) I then started playing around in garage band and made a song! Everything you hear is my guitar and garage band pre-set processors.

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In two weeks, gangstas…

Last week was the week I realized that I’m moving in less than a month, which was a crazy revelation to have because I am completely unprepared to do so. Minor panic. But it passed and I’m back to ignoring my impending interstate trauma move.

The revelation of this week produced an entirely different set of emotions. In two weeks, dear readers, mother fucker’s gonna have a degree. (In this case, I’m the mother fucker.) Holy eternally burning shit balls. I’m not going directly to grad school, so the papers that I’m in the process of writing are the LAST I’ll do for an academic institution in the knowable future. Same deal with the finals I have next week.

And then, in a few months, all my home boys and gangsta queens will graduate too and (I think it goes without saying) we’ll have an incredibly massive party or series of parties lasting the rest of our natural lives, which, if these parties are as I imagine them, will be very short. Exciting.

I haven’t done a politicsy post in a while there’s some good stuff to talk about on that front, so maybe in a few days I’ll talk about Pakistan or Bush’s first veto override or why I hate Ron Paul with the terrible fury of a thousand ancient suns… Stay tuned.

They don’t make 12 steps for this

Guys, I need help. I got a jones in a bad way and I know I can’t satisfy the terrible itch I’ve got. There aren’t any support groups that can help me, no doctors that can cure me.


Too soon?

So, I suppose by now you guys have all read about the death at the Chicago Marathon, and I just wanted to let you all know that both Joel and I are okay and totally alive. This is mostly because we didn’t participate in the Chicago Marathon. Well actually… we did for about 10 ft! (Joel says it was more than ten ft, but Joel is wrong) We had to cross the street and to do so we had to JOIN THE MARATHON!!! A guy pushed me because I run slow.

edited by joel because this picture is too awesome to pass up