Monks are effing rad

Specifically, the Buddhist ones in Burma. (more…)

Blackwater and Iran

Two things have been weighing heavily on my tiny mind, so I’m going to off load some of it on to you. Besides, someone, while commenting on my first shamby post, said they wanted more news related posts and I live to serve you, gentle reader. (more…)


So, today I went to the grocery store and bought some Indian food and it was soooo good. Below is a picture of the result. Featured are Black Gram Lentils Curry from Kitchens of India and Tandoori Rice from Tasty Bite. They are both heat and eat, so it takes all of five minutes and would definitely serve two if you sided it with Naan or something. It looks like barf, but that means it’s good, ask anyone (ie Emma).


Neato-cool stuff from my first week back in Chicago

I had intended to post pictures throughout this week of the craziness that is the first week of the last quarter of school EVER (until grad school, so I guess not EVER), but I’m a dummy-face and forgot the USB cable for my camera in L’apples. Sooooo, I went to best buy today and bought a new cable, which means that I can now post oodles of stuff all about me! Me me me me me. Me, too. (Get it? Like Agent Smith??)

The first thing we should probably go over is the Toilet-Ceiling Conflict of 2007. At some point while I was MPLS’n it, water gathered above the ceiling above my toilet, which eventually caused a catastrophic structural failure. I arrived home to find a significant portion of the ceiling that was supposed to be above my toilet was actually in my toilet. The drag of it all was compounded by the fact that I, well, not to be too graphic, but let’s just say I was fast approaching a TBDB situation. Not being able to use my toilet was going to be a major issue if it was not dealt with soon. So, I took a large spoon, rubber gloves and a trash can, and I cleared the debris from that damn toilet bowl just in time. It’s true what Bowie says, “We can be heroes… just for one day.” HERE’S PICTURES!!

In other news, I’m only taking 3 classes this quarter, which is strange and new for me. Usually, I take 4 or 5, which is pretty standard at DePaul. Only taking three classes kinda felt like stealing…. until I went to the mother fucking bookstore.


There are 13 books there. FOR THREE CLASSES. Granted, most of them are fiction for my senior seminar, but still.



Gracious sakes, those are fly!

Finally, I have a few pictures of the Finkelstein rally. They are pretty self-explanatory.


And that’s it, kiddos.

It’s over

At about 10:30 this morning, my professor, Norman Finkelstein, announced that he had reached a settlement with DePaul University and, as part of that settlement, had agreed to resign, effective immediately. I had a feeling ever since his initial tenure denial in June that he would end up having to leave, but now that it’s officially over, it fucking sucks.


Blerg Bllug Gred

T.O.T.T. apparently stands for “Think on These Things”. People actually use it, I guess. Isn’t that the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard? I just saw someone say it on TV.
After SES ends I always feel like I have both tons of time left and no time at all. I know that most of the Summer is over, but I’m not close enough to school starting that it feels real yet. This is also the time of year that everyone goes home to see their parents, which shortens the summer in a some way, because it means less time to see people before I leave. However, I’ll only be gone for 3 months and during that time I’ll be hanging out with all my way cool Chicago friends. Then, when 3 months are over I’ll move back to ‘apples and find a kick ass apartment. With a deck. And some where to grill.

I’m watching this show (this is the show that brought us T.O.T.T., but don’t let that spoil it for you.) called “Flipping Out” on Bravo. I thought it would be lame, but it’s actually very entertaining. The dude in the show is certifiably insane. He has FIVE psychics, a spiritual healer, and probably some other creepy-weird things that haven’t come up yet. He is also obsessive-compulsive, so it’s like “Monk”, except real. The best part is that he knows he’s crazy and he’s totally cool with it, but still takes his weird shit seriously and scolds his staff for not taking it seriously. I love it.

Bronchitis has worn out it’s welcome, but is still sleeping on my couch and eating my food. F U, bronchitis.

Bad news, Shambies…

I have bronchitis. It sucks. I cough a lot.

Bronchitis has affected my life in many profound ways. For one, my mother will no longer allow me to leave the house, because… well, I’m actually not sure why. Secondly, I now have to use an inhaler (temporarily), which, when combined with the rest of my lifestyle, makes my nerdiness complete and unquestionable. I am now the kid who wheezes in gym class, takes a drag on his inhaler, and then fakes an injury so that he can sit against the wall and read theĀ  latest issue of Popular Science.

So, yeah, bronchitis is a drag, but fear not, dearest Shambies, I will soon recover and rejoin you in your fun. Until then, keep your chins up and your eyes on victory!

The Olden Days

“The Greatest Generation” knew how to win a war, man…. (more…)

I couldn’t ask for more…

How am I supposed to react to this?

I was quietly sitting, playing D&D, and looking at, when I came upon… (more…)