Verizon? For Internet?


Verizon Chat

Lindsey and I live in apartment 12, our mailing address is apartment 11, and our shipping address is yet another address (at least for packages and wireless modem/routers). The online helper-chat guy apparently didn’t know what to do so he told us to call the local Verizon people tomorrow.

But what’s up with this?! “Have a blessed day!!”?!?! :D

Yeah, okay thanks Pope Phelps of Verizon.

I need some Brutal Honesty

Okay, so for the past couple days, I’ve been working on the following image:
Space is the Place

I’ve been taking it fairly serious, and I can honestly say that I really do like this image. I know it’s silly and maybe a bit crazy, but in terms of a designed piece I actually like how it’s working. The bright colors, the glowing shapes, and the typography, I think, are all pretty cool.

Unfortunately, I may be a bit blinded by something, possibly those bright candy-colored orbs. Is this a good piece, or a cheesy, awfully photoshopped image? I was so into making this ‘illustration’ (I’m not really sure what to call it), that when I was told that it looked hokey I was flabbergasted. So, I need some brutal honesty. Should I frame it and hang it on our wall, or erase the files and hope potential employers and clients never see it? I can’t say I won’t be heartbroken, but I’m going to appreciate the vision correction.

Someone’s got a Wacom tablet

So I’ve got a Wacom tablet at work.  And I love the shit out of it.  It’s not like a do a ton of drawing with it, I mostly use it when I’m working in Photoshop (which makes sense) and it adds another layer of control that I wasn’t previously used to.

Another thing, using a trackpad or mouse with my right hand all day is bad.  I didn’t used to notice it but over the last five or six months I’ve noticed a dull pain in my wrist.  This is an early sign of RSI (repetitive strain injury).  As a heavy computer user I’m well aware of this problem.  Wait what the fuck just happened. :B I somehow fell into a PSA about RSI!  Haha, I honestly didn’t mean to do that. :D

I think my point was that using several different types of input is a good way to vary.  So I use a trackpad, mouse, keyboard shortcuts, and now a tablet.  Apparently you can also add testicles to your mouse a la “MouseBean.”

The main point of this post was LOOK AT THE DUMB THINGS I DO WITH THE TABLET.


Also a secondary point I’d like to make.  I took these screenshots with a program called Skitch.  It’s totally awesome!  I didn’t like it at first but now I do.  You have to register to be able to use it, but don’t fret!  It’s free!




Smiles, We got em.

So I had some time to kill today and I really like the “Weirdmotes” smiles set that you can get for Adium.  Now we’ve got them on Shambot!  If you’re using the Visual editor there is a smiles button that you can click.  Other wise it will reinterpret most basic (and complicated) emoticons.  These also work in comments and there are little emoticons to the right of the comment box that you can click on to add them to your comment.

:O :| :B :A :C :c :E :S :U :0 :D :[ :L :X :I :F :G :H :} c: C: :/ :J :K :M :N :^ D: :. :P :} :Q :R :( :{ :) :T :q :V :W :, :Y :Z

Next on my list is to add avatar support into the comments!  (no anime, plz :c )


cake time

I made a cake over the holidays. Fondant is weird, but really fun to work with! I only had a few pieces but it tasted pretty good.


I should have made it Christmas themed, but I picked yellow and pink for some reason. I’m looking forward to more experiments in the future.


Okay, only two really… An some text talky stuff. I think this is just a life update kind of thing.

<<< Dialogue with myself >>>

<<< Address Shambot as a single entity >>>

Kay! So. I’m leaching off of my parent’s Netflix account so I can do the instant watching thing and I found this movie:
Haha, I named this file "crachbutt.png" and laughed to myself.
Honestly, how is that a movie.

Nerve Wracking
This is part of what I did at work last week! I’m not sure if I put up in a public space who I’m doing it for (though some of you know) so the newsletter’s name has been REDACTED! But it was quite a rush to hit the send button and have a newsletter that potentially has all of my mistakes in it fly off to 74-some-thousand people. GULP!

By the way I got a job. So I’m totally a big shot now (just kidding). The company is called Reindeer – though I’m still unsure if it’s officially Reindeer Company, Reindeer Group or just plane ol’ Reindeer. In any case, it’s a small company, I think I’m the 11th employee. But that’s what I was looking for! A small company where I could really own what I do and do cool shit as well. So far I like it a lot :)

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*SUNDAY UPDATE* Y’all, I got fussy baby syndrome. I gots it bad.


Ok, I’m gonna hop online at 2pm this afternoon, and then shenanigans can commence! I’ll collect everyone who’s on into a party, where all of us can chat at once? Creepy? MAYBE! Fun? I HOPE SO.

Games to be played?  Here are my ideas:

Puzzle Fighter 2 HD

Halo 3 (I assume most of us have this disc)

Castle Crashers

Gears of War 2/Rock Band 2 (Assuming anyone has it?)

If you guys know of a fun multiplayer game over the market place that’s 10$ or less I’m happy to pick it up in the name of good times.  Maybe Super Street Fighter 2 HD?  I dunno.

Drop me a line if you’ve any Q’s, and I’ll see you guys on the megawebs later today!


Wah wah wah.  I’m a fussy baby.  Nothin’ goes the way I wants it to.  EVER.




As you may know, the charming William Ferenc and myself made a pilgrimage across the lake to our home state of Michigan. Doing this by plane, Mr. Ferenc and myself found ourselves a tad bored during the “no personal electronics” segment of the trip. Well, all this changed once we got our little mitts upon SkyMall. I know, I know, you are sitting on your computer reading this post thinking to yourself “Oh how I wish I had experienced Skymall with Emma and Bill. But alas, that is impossible.”

WELL JUST WAIT, MY FRIEND. IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Bill and I hand picked our favorite SkyMall finds, and now I am bringing them to you. It’ll be just like you’re sitting next to us on Flight 741! So, without any further ado, here we go. (you’ll have to excuse the quality of the scans, our scanner does not like things that aren’t lineart)

On Your Special Day…

Happy Birthday Joel!
A birthday message for you.