oh me


I have a brand new webcomic called “Emma and Froggy do some stuff”! It hasn’t been made yet, but look, I have some art.


Emma looks like me, yes, but she is not me. Anyhow, I kept drawing and redrawing for our most recent assignment. I don’t know why, it was just something I wanted to be perfect, even though it didn’t need to be. Does that ever happen to you? It was a little obsessive, but I’m happy with it now.

Comments (6) left to “oh me”

  1. Evan wrote:

    as much as i like that drawing, and i really do, but i do not think it looks like you at all and i think the charm of the comic will intensify if “emma” is more like emma. i hope that did not piss you off. you know how i am, when i see something i really like, i want to make it even better.

  2. Emma wrote:

    haha, no, it didn’t “piss me off”.

    But I am a little perplexed by your sentence structure. Hmmm JK LOL OMG BBQ. SCUBA.

  3. Allison wrote:

    its not supposed to look like her, evaaan.

  4. Evan wrote:

    stressful day, guys. i think that explains just about everything. i love you all.

  5. Chance wrote:

    I think that you should make emma more like floggy and floggy more like emma.


  6. Chance wrote:

    “I think that you should make emma more like floggy and floggy more like emma.”

    I mean in their behavior, not how they look.