paying the bills

so this is what i did today instead of work on my comic which i am ABOUT to do:

we just found out the printer needed it today and i hadn’t even started it yet. the plan was for me to do it on paper, but my boss just said to do it digitally. So! i got to try out the new corel painter x and man is it awesome (but slow) if you could see the detail, it actually looks like a chalk drawing with the texture and everything. but you cant see it because the actual art is 24’x24’! thats right this is being printed on a huge metal medallion, suckers. aparently, these guys did some cool stuff.

Comments (2) left to “paying the bills”

  1. Emma wrote:

    Um, Evan. I really really like this, I really do, but it just doesn’t look like you! Maybe if you made it look more like you, I would like it more. Oh wait, it’s being printing on a MEDALLION that’s FRICKIN’ ROXXXXXXORZ.

  2. Ben wrote:

    Oooh, metal. That’s awesome, but a little weird.