
Dear Lost,

You know your hold over me will only last so long. The day will come, and then POOF, I will no longer succumb to your evil ways. My love will run out for you one day, one day I will realize that you are just using me. You never really loved me, I know, and one day I promise I will just stop watching you.

Until then WHY ARE THERE ONLY TWO MORE EPISODES LEFT?!?!? IT IS SO. SO. NOT FAIR. At least there was a really effing cute bunny in this episode.


Comments (3) left to “seriously.”

  1. Lindsey wrote:


    Sure he’s cute on film, but you know how all those professional bunny-actors are…. he actually has a chain-smoking agent named Manny, lives on a liquid diet of booze, parties all night, and then gets caught with a bag of select greens taped under his fur after running over some pedestrian at 3am on his way back to the condo bunny-hutch ABC bought him. And yet he’s able to sweet talk his way out of it with sheer

    I’ll bet he’s shorter in person too….

  2. Lindsey wrote:


    Sure he’s cute on film, but you know how all those professional bunny-actors are…. he actually has a chain-smoking agent named Manny, lives on a liquid diet of booze, parties all night, and then gets caught with a bag of select greens taped under his fur after running over some pedestrian at 3am on his way back to the condo bunny-hutch ABC bought him. And yet he’s able to sweet talk his way out of it cuz the lady officer thinks he’s so damn cute.

    I’ll bet he’s shorter in person too….

  3. Lindsey wrote:

    eek! Sent it twice.. my bad :(