The Things I Read For Class…

This is a one paragraph summary of a case from another case I was reading for Criminal Law (it was dealing with causation).

“In People v. Lewis, 124 Cal. 551, 559, the facts were as follows. The defendant inflicted a gunshot wound on the deceased. This wound was mortal. The deceased, however, procured a knife and cut his throat, and thereby brought about his own death sooner than would have been the case if it had resulted from the original wound. The defendant was convicted of manslaughter, and the conviction was affirmed by the highest court of California.”

In my notes next to this paragraph, it reads: “HOLY.SHIT.”

Then I decided to tell you guys about it.

Comments (2) left to “The Things I Read For Class…”

  1. Bill wrote:

    It took me a second to understand that “the deceased” is replacing the name of the person, and in this case, it doesn’t mean that he is dead… YET.

    Is this from a Resident Evil movie?

  2. Emma wrote:

    please keep posting stuff like this. It’s like LAW AND ORDER IN REAL LIFE.