My Zine

Graphic Design is probably my favorite class I’ve ever taken. For our latest assignment, we made ‘zines. To get inspiration, we had to draw a verb and a noun from a hat (I chose tap dancing and kudzu), and derive our magazine based on these words. I made up all the information within the book, so don’t quote me on anything. Here it is!


Comments (5) left to “My Zine”

  1. Colin wrote:


  2. pat wrote:

    I agree, super cool!

  3. Joel wrote:

    I didn’t realize until just now that it was about going insane. When I saw it the first time you said I didn’t have to read anything, but it makes it so much better! Very cool.

  4. Bill wrote:


  5. Tim wrote:

    Wow. I just finished it (I admit I’m late). But that was really, really cool Bill. It had a very Adbusters-esque feel to it, and your layouts were awesome. Even the writing, in it’s mostly fragmented sentence form felt really good, like there was a flow in the jumbles. Super goods!

    PS. Joel, whatever you’re using for picture display compliments this buisness quite nicely. You’re coming to Iowa to show me how to use it over break, right? RIGHT?