I’m Not Doing Homework Right Now. . . I’m Being a Nerd. . .

You better believe it. I’m taking a stand. This far, NO FARTHER! And I will make homework PAY for what it has done. . .

If you just caught that referrence, good for you. I’m proud. There’s more nerdly goodness inside.

Recently upon a visit to visit my occasional visitors from the north, the ‘apples Squadron Supreme, an intersting point came about. Now, I regard Joel with the highest of sentiments with regards to being a nerd. I mean, look at him, and look at me. Then look at Ben, Bill and Lindsey. We are NERDS. We like vidja games, and surfin’ the megawebs and watchin’ teh TV like anyone else. But we also like things that not everyone else likes.

I’m talkin’ Star Trek here.

Few of you may know the truth of my dark, seedy past. I was raised in a house of Trekkies. My dad, forced me to watch Next Gen (or TNG, and some members of this elite cadre prefer as their nomenclature) as I was growin’ up, and despite my wailing and crybabying, I saw Best of Both Worlds Part I and II as they premeired. At this point, I’ve probobly lost everyone. That’s the two part episode where Picard (possibly the greatest CAPTAIN in starfleet history [now if you’re looking for a seducer of alien-women-folk, Kirk is your man]) is abducted by the Borg, and Starfleet is nearly wiped out at Wolf 359 (an actual star, curiously enough). Now, I was like 6 or 7 when this is going on, and I can assure you I was piddly scared of those borg. Robot men? Oh no sir, no thank you, I like big eared ferengi’s myself.
I grew older, and when DS9 came arround, I was so well engulfed in Star Trek trivia (by this I mean Next Gen, I’ve seen less than a dozen of the orriginal series, though I am catching them randomly these days on TV Land) my dad and I set aside every Sunday evening from 10:30 to 11:30 to watch Deep Space Nine. In truth, I am not a Next Gen kid. I was a child of the Deep Space Nine era, and still regard the final seasons of that show as some of the best in my nerd history (I also have seen great extents of Stargate SG1 and VIPER).
My father and I also embarked on the Voyager escapade for an extended amount of time (Ben informs me that he was a Voyager kid, and as such, he has great memories for it. I certainly understand his predicament, but find Voyager to still be . . .) but then found out it sucked. I’m not jumping to conclusions here, the first seasons of Voyager were shaky but acceptable. But round near the time the charachter Seven of Nine was introduced, I was growing tired. Two seasons later I quit, and have not gone back to Star Trek since (I have seen all of the next gen films, but missed out on enterpirse entirely).

So now I ask you, what’s your favorite Star Trek series or film? I’ve only seen 2 of the original series films, and would certainly be remiss if at some time in my life I fail to see “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!” but until such times, I will read plot synopsis from my Star Trek Encyclopedias. Also, what’s your favorite ship Shambie-Bambies? Here’s mine:


PS. I wrote this post ’cause Joel didn’t know what a TRICORDER was!!! HA! WHAT A FUCKIN’ LOSER, RIGHT!??! AM I RIGHT?!?!? . . . . . oh. . . .oh, no. Oh no, no, no no no. Well, if you need me kids, I’m going to be weeping in my shower.

Comments (7) left to “I’m Not Doing Homework Right Now. . . I’m Being a Nerd. . .”

  1. Brock Muench wrote:

    Um…I actually knew what a tricorder was…which is funny, because i don’t really know anything else about star trek. The reason: I had the star trek game for superNES…It was fuckin hard….and i could never really get very far, but the challenge is why i played it so much…

  2. Chance wrote:

    honestly, who doesn’t know what a tricorder is? fuckin a, joel.

    DS9 is clearly and by far the best ST series. The cast is great, the writing is fuggin awesome, the bad guys are sweet, and Deanna Troy isn’t in it.

    Deanna Troy is a disease for which there is no cure.

  3. Emma wrote:

    I like Tribbles?

  4. Steven wrote:

    I plan on watching First Contact sometime in the near future.

  5. Sam wrote:

    I heard Kirk used to give wedgies to Picard when they were back in the academy, and the only reason he stopped was cuz Jean-Luc hired Warf to protect him.

    Also, Akira class blows. It is generic looking.


    That’s what you get for talkin’ shit about seven of nine. She wasn’t the best acted character, and yes, by the end she was only there for boobage, but goddamn it, in the folly of my pubescence I fell in love with her!!

  6. Timmy wrote:

    Warf? Who the fuck is Warf?

    You do get cred though for not only knowing Picard’s first name, but the correct spelling and punctuation. Well done sir.

  7. Katie (Jones) wrote:

    Tim, I’m pretty sure my dad owns a lot of the original series. We could watch it sometime, if you want to be more versed in the original series. You definitely need to see the episode “The Devil in the Dark”! That’s my dad’s favorite and, considering I’ve only seen like.. five episodes and one of the movies (the one with the whale?), I guess that’s my favorite too. I mean, it has a silicon-based monster (THE HORTA) that looks like this!: http://www.daviddarling.info/images/Horta_2.jpg

    On a semirelated note, we should also have a Twilight Zone marathon sometime. And a Bibleman marathon. In fact, let’s just watch tv shows for days.