and around and around and around


+Nesting Notes. I have a wierd obsession with girls who write precious little blogs about their precious little life. Pictures are a neccesity, especially if they are of precious things, too. And if it is of food, bonus points. Thus, Nesting Notes is pretty much my PERFECT blog. Lots of tasty look food, lots of cute things to think about, also she is Australian, and Australian girls are cute!

+Somehow, this shoe that I wanted REALLY BAD once I got my paycheck is already sold out in my size and in that yellow! All the other ones are in stock. Just the yellow is sold out. And I cannot find that same shoe in that same color on ANY OTHER WEBSITE. What the eff, guys. I mean, these ones aren’t bad.. they’re my second choice… but.. but… shiny yellow shoes! Oh the humanity. Tim is a nerd because of star trek, I am a nerd because I care about clothes in a way most people would find a little bit excessive.

+I will now admit that the cheapest rug at Ikea (white, canvasy) may not have been the best purchase. I just spent a couple minutes picking up crumbs that were big enough to be picked up. The other ones get to stay there, happy to be all by their lonesomes. But nice, colorful rugs are expendy, guys! At least, they are at places like Ikea. SIGH.
+Life is good when you’ve got peppermint tea, shortbread, and knock off healthy cereal (oats, almonds, flakes). YUM YUM.

Comments (7) left to “and around and around and around”

  1. Allison wrote:

    No! theyre in stock again! i just looked. i think you need to keep checking back, they must keep filling their product because they are still pretty new. so they cant just RUN OUT YET?!? right? anywho, you know as well as i do, that im just as much of a clothing nerd as you are, if not more…


  2. Allison wrote:

    ps: your links arent working.

  3. Joel wrote:

    I love her little pictures! Nesting Notes is pretty cutie. Does she live in NYC?

    Also, Emma, I hope you don’t mind but I went in and fixed your links.

  4. Allison wrote:

    pps: LOVE your title… i didnt get it at first. ha!

  5. Emma wrote:

    Alli: OMG. THEY ARE BACK IN STOCK, YOU’RE RIGHT. But I’m going to keep my promise to myself and buy them only after I get my next paycheck. And honestly, my backups are just as cute. Either way, I will have yellow shoes.

    Joel: Thanks! I tried to fix them before I went to class, but that didn’t really work. What was wrong? And Miss Nesting Notes is actually living in Australia, I believe. Let’s move there together, all the Shambies!

  6. Maggie wrote:

    I want those shoes!!!!!!!!!! Too bad no moneys for maggies… i shall have to live vicariously through you and your nifty shoeage.

  7. Angie wrote:

    EMMA! nesting is soo cute, also, I found a fellow blogger through her “the girl who ate everything” <3

    looooove the shoes. I could never be that into clothing, but I am glad you and Alli are for alllll of us.