The inevitable tiredness of midterm season. Is here.

I am so tired lately. I have trouble waking up in the morning, even though I know that I got a good 7 hours of sleep the night before. “What’s up?” I ask myself. I couldn’t figure it out… until today. I calculated how many internship hours I had accomplished as of yet out of curiosity, and its 114. HOURS! And I only need 120. I have 6 weeks left of my internship. What to do…

I guess I’ve been working harder at the studio than I had realized… For instance, today we went (Alec and I) on a sort-of last minute shoot for Jane Magazine/Alec’s own project that he’s working on. We were told that she was a stripper, and that we would go to photograph her in her house in Robbinsdale. Okayyyy… So then Alec googled her, and found out that she’s actually a kinda famous stripper. She wrote a book about being a stripper, and is shooting a television pilot about being a stripper. And she was on David Letterman. AWESOME! Way to tell us about her, Jane. Anywho, here she is on Letterman: (isn’t she totally cute?!)

edit: I dont know where this video went… BARF.

Also, she has a black and white chihuahua named Barnabus… ADORABLE! He skidded around on the hardwood floor (in her surprisingly-really-fancy-expensive-townhome) when I pretended to chase him around the kitchen island. She was totally sweet and later told all of her friends to contact Alec so he could use them as subjects too. When we got back to the studio, they had already filled his inbox with EIGHT emails. EIGHT. Hilarious.

But it was a good day. I think I just need to let up on the interning. I STILL NEED TO PAY THE RENT, MAN!! (And you know, like, shoot a senior project and all…)


Comments (1) left to “The inevitable tiredness of midterm season. Is here.”

  1. Angie wrote:

    AH! She is so cute!
    litterally laughing out loud watching that clip. “The Margaret Mead of strippers” ha!

    Allison! Lay off the working so much! 114 is insane! :)
    love you!