As you may know (or have acted like you know) we will hear back from Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival tomorrow! HOLY CRAP! Rest assured I will let you know how it goes. But something much more important happened. I just got my first letter back from a college about research, and guess what?! I got it! I might be doing research at Penn State this summer for 4000 boom boom dollars (with an additional 500 added for travel expenses)! The only problem is that i have to get back to them before March 15 a lot of people applied. Which means I might not have heard back from some/most of my other schools by then. Luckily, the schools that I will hear from last are in Michigan which is a totally lame AWESOME state that has onlyone MANY cool things, not the least of which is Shambot’s very own Bill, Lindsey and Emma! As well as other things that Michigan natives have decided to post in the comments. Hooray for learning! Boop Boop!

Comments (7) left to “OMFGZROFLMAO! (edited)”

  1. Emma wrote:

    woah. woah woah woah. woah woah. woah.

    A few more cool things Michigan has produced:
    1) cereal
    2) cars? (this is to be debated)
    3) the white stripes
    4) madonna (c’mon, don’t deny it)

    … oh yeah, and 5) me! geeeeez.

  2. Lindsey wrote:

    woah. woah woah woah….. times uberness….

    1) James Earl Jones grew up in Michigan.
    2) We’re the only flipp’n bi-peninsular state. (That’s right, we swing both ways).
    3) We’ve created the Yooper, perfected Yooper dialect, and formulated,… errr, Ted Nugent.

    And I GUESS there’s always Francis Ford Coppola, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder,… and me.

  3. Lindsey wrote:

    I’ve just been reminded that I forgot about Winsor McCay, Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, and Jerry Bruckheimer (jerry being not the highlight of our accomplishments as a state) …


    We can take or leave Michael Moore as a matter of taste.

  4. Patrick wrote:

    That was wrong, and I will be the first to admit it! I totally forgot that Lindsey and Emma were from Michigan! I would just like to point out that my celebratory bottle of wine may have had something to do with the anti-Michigan comments.

  5. Lindsey wrote:

    Patrick,…. btw omg CONGRATULATIONS!
    My posts twere blinded by rage ;)

  6. Patrick wrote:

    Also, I recently learned that U of Michigan has the biggest stipend, $5280. But I don’t know if they include room like everyone else. Plus not everyone gets the max stipend. But they won’t tell me until late march so I really can’t give up Penn State to go there.

  7. Emma wrote:

    Quite understandable! Although, if you eventually decided Michigan was your dream school you could hang out with my little brother and teach him how to be cool (he’s a freshie at the U of M right now) and get homecooked meals from my parents (which wouldn’t be wierd at all?) who live in Ann Arbor.

    But thank you for amending your post. Now you see how cool Michigan is!