the churning of the ocean

hey guys! I was going through my old artwork the other day and I came along this:


last year I made all these paintings of Indian gods and godesses (I’m kind of obsessed with Indian art and mythology) and tried to sell them at the art sale that MCAD has. Unfortunately I was blind and did not realize how ugly the uneven border (that I’ve chopped off of the above image) was. Hopefully I will make something cooler for the art cellar this year.

Just a little tidbit about Lakshmi, who’s pictured above. She’s the goddess of good fortune and beauty, among other things and is a major deity. Lakshmi is pretty recognizable, what with the four arms and the lotus blossom that always is with her – which is a sign of spiritual authority.

For further reading, why not try Wikipedia or this great Hindu mythology encyclopedia?

Comments (3) left to “the churning of the ocean”

  1. Tim wrote:

    You know, the more I look at you and Bill’s watercolors, the more I realize that I like watercolors as a medium. The sad thing is that when I think about them, I flash back to kindergarden when I made lots of things out of watercolors, none of them any good. CURSE MY INEPTITUDE FOR PRETTY PICTURES!

  2. Bill wrote:

    I remember those! I liked them a lot, and I even bought one. I don’t know what I’m going to do for the art sale either. Perhaps we should buy a HUGE canvas and paint something really… cool!

  3. Joel wrote:

    I really liked those a lot too, Emma! As always, I really like the way you draw noses/eyebrows. Lil’ pink noses and all.