Where Did Joel Go?!

Where Am I? from Joel Gillman on Vimeo.

To the ‘cago!

hello kitty!

I’ll just go ahead and say it, Emma (my girlfriend) ADOPTED A KITTEN!

She is black with white paws, a white tipped tale, a white belly and a white stripe on her face.

She is 8 weeks old and tiny and precious beyond belief! Her name is Moxie, and she already has like twenty nicknames, including Moxie-tron, and Moxiemillian.

We were gonna try and adopt one of Ben’s farm kitties, but we couldn’t find any of them when we got there. However, by that time, we had gotten kitty-fever, and just had to have one. Therefore, Emma went to Petsmart and adopted a Kitty from an unplanned domestic litter.

I thought it was especially funny that Emma chose the name she did, because that used to be our nickname for Malcolm.

Anyway, Pictures to come!

guess what it’s not…

A poster for my movie I'm producing.
I’m going to send this out as a Christmas card though. So, sorry for ruin the surprise but most of you will be getting a copy of this in the months to come. I’m… not really happy with my L.L. Bean cover . In case you can’t tell, this really isn’t my style. I think I might print it out on some nice paper and then collage some things into it, and paint over other things. Yep.

PS- I used gouache. Guoache? GOOSH?

Monks are effing rad

Specifically, the Buddhist ones in Burma. (more…)

fitty post!

i should have made a celebratory bitmap image, but I’m a lazoid. so I too have completed five issues of a webcomic for that stupid class. unfortunately this does not finish the story. that said, i hope you are all on the edge of your seats for when i get around to finishing episode 6. anywho, click here for the fancy shmancy site i made for it


So, last time I posted (eons ago) I told ya’ll about 20×200.com.  Cool right?  Well, I go there today, and who has work for sale?  None other than our (mcad’s) very own Karolina Karlic – F: Yes!  Do you guys know her? so neat.  anyway…

In other news, my Grandma is in town! Very fun/exciting!  Needless to say, I spent way too long at the airport last night… boo.

I decided to take a morning of down time, which is nice, and rare (although, I am just now remembering that I needed to get my new driver’s license this morning…opps).  I just got disk 1 of Heroes s1, so I will watch a little o’ that today too.

Dumb, I know.

I know this isn’t the best thing, but I like you guys, and sharing is caring:


Why can my computer do this?

Big Computer
Also, this is my 69th post. Hah! Doin’ it.

josh lyman, dear readers

hello shambot. emma and alli here.

one of the perks of being overworked at the children’s theatre is that sometimes you get to meet famous people! Last year we saw Semisonic play, and that was pretty cool.


Blackwater and Iran

Two things have been weighing heavily on my tiny mind, so I’m going to off load some of it on to you. Besides, someone, while commenting on my first shamby post, said they wanted more news related posts and I live to serve you, gentle reader. (more…)